Artificial Intelligence

>>> Period shit day 2

Annoyance of the Day:
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EVERYONE is cranky today. I did not sleep well whatsoever, woke up and just felt like I was going to die because yet again I have cramps, backache, etc.

So once more I trudge through the day with horrible period, my ever present backache, cramping stomach, disgusting bathroom dramas....

I'm tired of having my period this bad, it doesn't seem to want to stop. Mom said I should be careful because of all that blood loss. I feel like a fucking stab victim that has no help.

But I don't FEEL dizzy or anything like that. Maybe tired, and most of all very cranky and on edge.

I could cry at the drop of a hat. But I don't.

My boss is being a complete fuck face to me today. He's reniging on the "you can have Wed. and Thurs. off" plan. He says now, "work Thursday" or some BS like that. SO Of fucking COuRse I have have to work Thurs. when I REALLY need time off to deal with my horrible period, maybe that'll fix it?

It's trying to stop, I can FEEL that. But I don't think it has the want to do that just yet. It's horrible to have to sneak a pad into the bathroom without carrying your purse or crinkling the wrapper. Right now my stomach is grumbling and this morning I find I've lost two pounds.

Then I wondered if that is just in liquids.

So I do not feel good at all, this is like a hidden cold, how can you tell someone WHY you're not feeling good without saying, "well there's been a murder in my pants and no one has found the body yet."

It's horrible and MoM keeps pressuring me about it, like it's something I CAN turn off like it's some leaky faucet, cause if I COULD do something about it, I would.

Man, it's riduculous. My stomach is violently revolting against the hamburger and onion rings I just ate for lunch - my first bad food day in a while now. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom for what I might find. If ONLY I had worn pants with pockets today, I would be safe to stuff that tiny pad into my pocket, but no, I might have to maneuver sticking a pad in my waist ban and then b-lining to the restroom.

I'm sorry to harp on this,but it's very nerve racking and stressful to me.

I got an email from this place I applied for, they want me to fill out an application and send that in. It's for this bible college type of place. I don't really LIKE bible, church things but I wonder if I could forget those things and take the job.

I'll download what they want me to send back, maybe they won't hire me cause I'm not at all religious.

oh well. Well maybe I'll be religious now, God please make this period stop.

I keep feeling like job job job who's got my job? I talked to this other co-worker last night telling him that I want to leave here someday and now I worry about him telling the boss. I swear if he DOES, hell fucking no, I will have a little talk with him.

I don't think he did. I just think the boss is worried about how we might have two people quitting....then maybe I'll be a third someday.

Ooh I just realized if I wear my sweater that is a nice pocket in that!! Perfect for a pad! YES.

posted by Jennifer @ 12:18 p.m. on 2003-08-25
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