Artificial Intelligence

>>> Painful weekend

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

There was a GRUSOME murder last night in my fucking TOLIET. Everytime I looked into it, there was just grusome, disgusting things that would make any veteran cop PUKE.

Yet this ACE reporter handled it with complete EAZE since this is my PERIOD WE'RE TALKING ABOUT.

Yes my body is cleaning house completely, I think maybe my stomach has shrunk because of all the LIQUIDS that are being expelled....

I mean last night/this morning has been the worst my time has ever been, I mean granted I didn't get any on my sheets, or myself, but still that feeling like your body is spilling out your coo coo isn't too nice.

Not to mention cramps and back ache. I mean it's horrible horrible horrible!!!!


I'm not a happy camper today, thank GOD pooks isn't here because I feel terrible, I'm in constant pain.

I hate to gripe...but seriously, it's just something that you cannot help but speak about.

OKAY enough of that nasty CURSE that I cried to mom this morning "I'M CURSED" then a 'my body has the snibbles' type talk....

It looks like another reporter here is leaving, finding greener pastures...and this makes me sad because I feel frustrated that I cannot find a job and find greener pastures myself. I mean come on already what's it gonna friggin take?? I keep doubting myself ... the "am I good enough, what do I have to offer? Why don't they want me??" type questions bounce around in my head.

I keep looking at my resume and thinkin' why wouldn't they want me, is it cause I have a year and 1/2 experience...and need that solid TWO YEARS stamped on my resume? Are my examples of my work to cheesy, not professional enough?

It's a hard thing, I know, but sometimes I figure I should JUST apply for something in editorial, like assistant, or assistant editor, but I know that I don't really LIKE to edit to well. I'm not good in to speak.

Oh well my stomach is cramping again and I feel like I did yesterday, hunched over in pain. Like this back pain goes through my body out the front, and also down my hip into my knee. I feel like crying.

But I won't

I'm at work.

I do feel like CRYING cause I haven't found a job yet and I keep praying to God about it and nothing is happening I wish I knew what was happening and someone could tell me what's going to happen to me!

posted by Jennifer @ 4:41 p.m. on 2003-08-24
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