Artificial Intelligence

>>> PMS, hell day

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Okay there must be something completely wrong inside me cause I've NEVER had cramps this bad.

I mean, it's like something is clawing my insides. I feel like CRYING it hurts so bad and I FEEL so bad. Talk about major pms. I guess this is my body's "last hurrah" before my period ends.

It just hurts so bad and I'm not being dramatic.

SO I woke up to this pain and my back ache that feels like it goes through my body out through my stomach and my MOM telling me "I have a stomach ache, so YOU'RE cooking today."

*Groan* I said well I have a heavy period, pms and a backache!! So I also said "we're just falling apart"

SO I'll make our little meatloaf cause I ain't got much nothing else to do but wash clothes and try to remind calm as my body destructs from the inside and I'm on the verge of tears for no reason at all.

They say cramps are mini contractions, like during child birth, oh lordy, if this is how that is, then I don't know if I want kids, or will ask for a STRONG strong drug!

All I can say is THANK GOD Pooks isn't here cause I feel like SHIT.

posted by Jennifer @ 10:57 a.m. on 2003-08-23
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