Artificial Intelligence

>>> A quickie...WW kit and pmS

Annoyance of the Day:
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I thought I'd pop in for a brief update.

I've been working madly the past week, I worked today on my day off even to get some sections that came zooming at me.

The nightmare isn't over as Sunday I have to go in early to finish it all off. But that's not to bad, they're all finished, but need tweaking, which doesn't take up that much time. So I'm okay on this!

I applied for another job today, or in the process of it should I say.

I felt today that none of the ones I sent out last week have called, my book when an employer wants to interview you, they call right away, like now, think RING RING RING on my annoying cell phone's ringer.

But no, it's been mute, quiet on this end. I don't say that this doesn't bother me, but sometimes I prefer to not have to worry on scheduling a trip home, much less to Chicago area where I mostly apply. Although it is a lovely thought to plan another adventure in interviews for jobs that I most likely won't let's be position, I guess if you even GET an interview maybe that's something....

Okay I didn't make sense there, but it's 1 in the morning and I just played canasta with Pooks.

I told pooks not to come up this weekend cause I was too busy, I feel kind of bad, but a part of me doesn't cause I don't need that stress on my already stressed out life as it has been currently.

I still




Weight watchers SHIT.

Hello! People are selling them on Ebay, but have I got mine from the WW company yet? Noooo. That sucks, my parents keep pressuring me about it and bitching and asking me shit. They are overwhelming me about it like I'm some WW guru.

Plus MOM keeps making all these recipes I wanted to try. I hate that, why can't I COOK these things.

I mean yeah I'm happy about living with the parents, people who take care of you, I come home and they cook me dinner, or I ask Ma to wash my clothes and she does. Or someone to run to the store with, etc. They give me money too to gas up my car. It's perfectly lovely, if only I didn't feel like some leach and if I felt like maybe I should be a bit more independent than this.

But this high time does have many many lows and I know moving out on my own will begin as a low time, but it is something that must be done. Just like when you take the puppies from the mama dog, it hurts at first, but then happy times find their way back and you realize that maybe it's not as bad as you thought.

But I feel so alone anymore, I feel as pookie does, we both are very alone in our personal lives. I mean I think I need that "mate" that other person to feel complete.

I think that's why we're good friends, we're very much alike, like Jenny part two. (NO I Do not like him like that.)

But still, I get this feeling whenever I see kids and my parents get that "I can't wait till our kids have kids" look, that I feel like I want to get married and have kids.

Then I realize I'm 26. I'm not getting any older and definately not dating whatsoever....

So this is the puppy going away from the mama dog, there is no prospects for my happiness here, low amount of men worth dating.... Not even internet dating is an option.

If I was nearer to home I'd have the pick of the crop.

So I must wait, and let me tell you I'm so fucking tired of waiting. I'm getting bitter, angry Jen. I'm tired of this shit. Need I go on?

OH WELL, my period is still here with a major vengence. I don't know what the FUCK is going on, it's like my body is "cleaning house" or something. I mean everything is coming out, like my liver is wringing itself out and my uterus wants new wall paper or something.


It's let up slightly, but I hate that period ODOR ... yuck! I cannot wait till that's over.

SO NEXT week, my boss is giving me Wed through Sunday OFF. So that's great! I'm going shoppin with the parents on Wednesday, that ought to be fun.

I'm hoping my WW kit will have arrived by then too. Cause I seriously need to lose some weight again. I haven't gone to my exercise, rug hooking or violin class since JULY. YES JULY (except for rug hooking).

I figured why pay for those things when I'd only be going for like once? NOO way. So in September I'll begin again, and PRAY PRAY PRAY my old aerobics teacher will be back. I hate that mother fucker who's doing it now, that macho army guy whom I really loathe up to high heaven.

I really miss exercising, I think Sept. starts the new round, so that means Mon, Wed, AND FRI...ooh and Tuesday! WOW! I can't wait, that's a hefty schedule, but that's fine!!! So I'm half heartedly excited about this, although I feel like a hog now that I haven't been working out!!!

I mean my clothes feel TIGHT, and I'm hoping it's bloating cause I do have major PMS now -- ala boobs even hurt and swollen ... yuck!!! UG! Disgusting!

I feel like CRYING every morning cause I look like SHIT in the mirror I know I've gained though my parents tell me I'm nuts, I just feel disgustingly fucking FAT. Like I feel psycho on this whole thing, I'm VERY sensitive anymore to anyone who talks on weight and ME. I mean majorly sensitive - psycho girl -BLOB GIRL JENNY.

Don't mind her she's fucking nuts!


My boss said in the paper I'm the special sections EDITOR


YES, so I put that baby in my RESUME now. That sounds more impressive then "coordinator" doesn't it??

I think so.

posted by Jennifer @ 1:11 a.m. on 2003-08-23
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