Artificial Intelligence

>>> Toothbrushes, depression and yard sales

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Well my sister left this morning after our yard sale which cashed in about $900 bucks, and which cleared out most of the garage and freed up space in our house since we sold that huge (to huge) chair of my sisters...although it was very comfortable.

So now I have no where else to sit in our living room when I want to rug hook!

Oh well, I didn't feel well again today and mom kept saying "what's wrong? what hurts?"

I wanted to say "I don't know" cause truthfully nothing really "hurts" I just...don't feel myself, I feel sad, depressed maybe?

I chalk it up to my period making it's reappearence, not sleeping well and the heat lately. Not to mention the thought of going back to work, pooks coming up next week, though I really don't want him too.... Sorry pooks.

Just so so much going on in my life, so many things that I keep worrying on, and these things consume me anymore. I just need another break, I guess I need to get away somehow, and I feel more depressed anymore due to no jobs for me, feeling stuck and all of that mumbo jumbo.

At least tonight I get to sleep alone, I hated sleeping with sister, she's horrible horrible loud sleeper! Last night was the far worst one imaginable! I mean she literally lay in the middle of the bed! I kept hissing for her to scoot over and then lay there completely awake.

Regardless, I'm excited about starting Weight Watchers, I keep thinkin' of how I'll keep track of it all, I thought on revamping my web page, but I don't have the time for that, so maybe I'll settle for uppin' my diaryland in some manner (yeah I know the "notes" link on here doesn't work).

But something easy for me to update because I don't feel much like web page making anymore, it's to tedious and I just do not have time nor patience anymore.

I printed out some stuff regarding WW today and have a WORD document filled with items. The next door lady did talk to me about it cause she lost 25 pounds on it since April. And she wouldn't let me get a word in edge wise, and I didn't much like that mannerism, but I listened to her, told her she looks great and let her speak.

Sometimes, I feel, people just want to be listened to and sometimes even if you don't really care what they have to say, it's just easier to listen and try to sort out what they are truely thinking.

Thank GOD I took tomorrow off. I hate working Sundays. I hate to think that next Friday pooks will be here, then Saturday a day filled with...God knows what, then Sunday he leaves and I go to work. Mom and Dad are going to go on a mini vacation themselves during that time and leave me and pooks here alone.

They know nothing will happen, but they kept saying "what if you get in a fight or he attacks you?"

I just laughed that off, cause if we get in a fight, I can handle that and if he hits me or "attacks" me, I think since I weigh more than him, I can pretty much handle myself well.

Anyway, I sold my treadmill at the yard sale and I feel awkward about this since that piece of equipment helped me lose weight and the miles upon miles I've treaded on that thing!!

But it's gone and out of my bedroom - where now I have regained MORE space and it's actually lovely.

My next step is to go through my clothes and give to Goodwill cause there are so many things I don't wear anymore. I know I have to lose weight cause I have things I can't fit into comfortable now and thats very sad as before I was getting into them. So naturally I can't wait to start WW. I should get my kit next week, which is why I don't really want to see pooks.

I know, how bad of me, but seriously. I hate it cause there is nothing much here to do, and boredom sets in, and I feel like the "bad host" and then feel like I should dance a jig to make it fun. I told him to absolutely NOT bring any drugs here, none! I can imagine him getting busted and me alone side him. I'd never forgive him, he'd ruin my career here, my public "personality" would be shot.

Plus, I just need a vacation from my vacation, I kind of wish my parents would go on their vacation and leave me here alone for a bit, all I want to do is sleep. Today I wanted to lay in bed and just sleep and be alone.

I dunno, I felt like crying four times today, so I'm not sure what's going on in Jenny's head. I think it's PMS or a touch of depression or stress or something. I keep praying to get sick so I can take more time off and have a good reason to. Or maybe I want the pity from everyone and the attention.

I don't know. I feel like I'm ready to overflow with some emotion, at the same time I feel empty and angry.

I don't know what's going on. I guess it's this hellish pms, or weight gain, or whatever.

Or does there really have to be a reason? I always tell my mom this, she doesn't seem to think that some things happen for no reason, with no one to blame. I have to remember what I preach I suppose.

Other than this, I left my fucking tooth brush at the motel, so - gross - I used my dad's toothbrush. I know that's so nasty, but I had to brush my teeth, I used rubbing alcohol, mouthwash, but tomorrow I'm going to Kmart to buy a new one. I won't say what I'm thinking about using his toothbrush..bleck.

I just couldn't help it though! I'm eccentric with my teeth, I cannot stand them feeling dirty. But hell I have no cavities and er....okay time for bed I'm rambling again.

posted by Jennifer @ 11:26 p.m. on 2003-08-16
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