Artificial Intelligence

>>> Long days and nights in court

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

It's been such a complex day. I mean so many things happend, so fast, so quickly. I thought today would be hard, but how I feel it has straightened out just perfectly.

I went to my court cases, spoke with this (cute) photographer from a local paper. We talked, laughed, joked. It was all great fun, even though Jenny of past year ... would've been as quiet as a mouse, but I didn't care! He had gorgeous green/yellow eyes.

Regardless, the cases went off w/o hitch. I was a bit angry that my editor sent another reporter, but it was for support and he helped me out greatly. But then, I got back, wrote my story and the boss asked for him to change my lede! He didn't even read it, so the reporter said NO, I like her lede.

So they kept it, but he added to it, and cleaned it up and it reads wonderfully. I thanked him up and down and realize he is a good reporter - and moi, I'm still learning to write in that style. See I don't write all the time ... I don't write articles for weeks sometimes, so I guess sometimes you have to write in that golden moment and then you'll do fine.

Still, I felt werid that someone took my stuff added to it, shaped it, shoved it and then smacked it around.

It's times like this I say "this is why I don't write any books/stories, cause I feel like I write well, or put words together well, they don't flow well.

I know we all have our own style, but there's a certain style that's evident in all good writers - that flow, that rthym that makes the room race across the page, sing, dance, and are mellow and easy going at the same time.

I don't have that all the time, and sometimes not at all.

Okay - so I'm doing okay with my extra long day, I'm skipping exercise because I feel burned out already since I didn't get home until 11 last night and had to wake up at 8 ... hell I didn't get to sleep until 1 a.m. because I was up worrying about today.

So regardless I'm tired, cranky a bit from all of this excitement. I also was very very happy to see that those special sections that I've been worrying about is really nothing to be worrying about! My boss said the one is canceled until ... they don't know when. The other might just run in the paper! So that'll work out perfectly.

I was happy to hear that, happy to hear my vacation will go w/o a hitch, and that's something we all can appreciate!

I did eat bad today, had a quarter pounder w/ cheese meal - and tonight I'm going to pizza hut with the family. So ugg, there goes those few pounds I'd lost. Mom said "Pizza Hut? Why do you want to go there, you (we've) been doing so welL!"

I wanted to say, not me, no.

But I feel badly that I'm skipping aerobics, I should go, but I'm so pooped out of my mind and don't feel like getting all sweaty and frustrated cause of my teacher being a complete ASSHOLE.

Tomorrow kickboxing is canceled, so Wed. I will have to go.

Then *scream* next week I have off! WHOO Hoo. Next week at this time I'll be doing NOTHIN!

Probably cleaning or something, but still better than workin'!

But I have a meeting that Monday night that I might tell the ol' boss that someone must cover (other than ME) but I'll cover it if I must, I don't mind since I know the key players now and I certainly do not want that other snatchy girl to go and then gloat that she knows it all and is the bomb and is a total bitch like she is.

OH WELL I'm just happy about next week! Swimming, shopping, fun, food! Yes!! My sister really misses the family it seems lately, she's called a lot and then she misses moi - sissy aka friend, cry on the ol' shoulder, keeper of secrets girl.

But sometimes I miss having a friend too - I just 'hang' with the parents, but I figure I'm too busy for friends cause really I work all the time it seems.

I am going to my rug hooking class Thurs. Fri and Saturday! Yes three days of rug hooking. I really like those ladies they are all so very friendly and we can talk for hours or just sit there and listen to others talk, etc. Wonderful cooks, mothers and rug hookers, all of them. Although I am the youngest and so young I could be one of their daughters.

I dont' care, I guess it's the fun of sharing a hobby, learning new things, etc. I mean and the house they hold it in, is a huge, huge victorian. I mean it's a beauty!! I mean BEAUTIFUL magazine type of house you see ... it's great I love to go in there. I've always wanted to go in there!!

Oh well okay

Gotta get back to work, I want to change my clothing SO bad, so uncomfy in dress clothing, shitty underwire bra. I think I'll ask if I can change or if I must stay in this shit wear.

OOH my boss is trying to get me a one on one interview with the girl who was sentenced for murder...I mean like think Jenny going in jail to talk to a murder with mental problems.

She might try to stab me with a pencil or something.

Kinda creepy. She's assaulted cops before, why not a dorky reporter too? Headlines, think headlines girl!

posted by Jennifer @ 4:46 p.m. on 2003-08-04
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