Artificial Intelligence

>>> Hair, job and Atkins....

Annoyance of the Day:
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Well today has went by to fast, my computer ended up crashing like 5 times, so the paper got down to the press late!

Making me late for things I wanted to accomplish today. That sucks major ass. So I'm going to work work work like a bee...but only after I update my diary!

I got emailed today by some girl asking if I was "bi" or "curious" what the hell, why do I get so many of these emails? NO, I write back, geez louise. I should probably change my screenname, as Yentl was dressing as a boy in the movie, but she wasn't gay, bi or whatever!

Hm, I cannot imagine changing my screen name though, fuck, I mean talk about a hard thing to do, I have web pages, old friends, etc. attacted to this name, so I might as well keep it because changing it is way way to hard - to much work! What would I create then? Sourgirl77 - like my old screen name? Yenni22? JenJen77?

Anyway, I'm doing ok on Atkins so far, feel really "awake" today for some reason. I went to aerobics last night and that bastard teacher worked us up to dripping sweat. We all had to sit on our benches and when all of us got up, there was ass impressions left on all of the benches, mine of course being the biggest.

I weighed and am at 276, which is a change from the 278 I've been registering at. It's funny how a little exercise and less eating really kicks you into high gear.

I took a walk down the street to go to Hallmark to buy a card for my boss - my parents are buying him candy. I found 50% off sale and to my surprise found birthday cards for "MOM" 50% off too! So I bought those up since Ma's b-day is coming up quick.

Bought a bag for her gifts, some glass/ornament type grapes that were cool as hell looking (just adding to my junk) and bought a small tin of butterscotch nips for work.

Yeah, I know I am on Atkins, but sometimes these little hard candy things help me out when I have a headache or cannot eat lunch on time and the ol' tummy is growling.

Oh well, I made some low carb frozen pudding things yesterday, they are wonderful to say the least.

But so far, I'm getting a big 'tired' of beef. I really dont like beef that much and today I had sloppy Joe I'm meated out.

We're having chicken tonight, so that's a good thing, I'm wanting something crunchy, so maybe I'll have a Wasa cracker when I get home with a little peanut butter or just butter on it.


I do feel better, I mean like the ol' Jen when I used to exercise a lot. I mean you feel so good and powerful.

Even though my teacher is a bastard and I literally loathe him when I go in there.

But still, he does make me sweat like mad! So that's good. I just hate this complicated step routines sometimes and he isn't one to "teach" newbies how to do it, you just try to keep up and not look like a fucking asshole like I did yesterday when I lost track and was the only one faceing the front of the room while everone else was facing the back - I looked like a major asshole.

I have to use used to my new schedule - this week has/is crazy since my boss will be out for the rest of this week and I'm guessing maybe next week as well.

He broke his ankle ... and herniated disks in his back.

So ow, I feel so sorry for this man, I'm trying to do his pagination work and literally, it's tiring because I'm trying to keep on with my own things.

So I'm guessing a few days off coming to me because this is a fucking HELL week. Next week is worse, as I become night paginator for the gal who's taking that off! Can you imagine?

I mean then that Monday is the sentencing of the murder!! WOW

Regardless, I want to get my hair cut but I am AFRAID cause I've never had a good hair cut.

I've always worn my hair in a pony tail or in a clip of some sort. Even used to wear a head band.

I don't like my hair really short either. Ala "Dike Jen" ... heh heh

I'd rather have some curly mess, like get a perm to help it along. But I know they will fuck it up.

I guess I'll go sometime and be like, just cut the damn thing, don't make it short and I do not want bangs!

I'll have to look for a picture, maybe meg-ryanish hair.

I'll say "I want a curly mess" streak it too.

I'll come out with one of those 80's perms dyed like white, so I can match all the other Michigan people, I'll don a dress and blend in....

posted by Jennifer @ 12:42 p.m. on 2003-07-22
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