Artificial Intelligence

>>> Anyway.

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

This was a completely lovely weekend, I did absolutely NOTHING.

Yes nothing.

I just stayed home (except to go out and eat last night) and just putz around. I worked on my rug hooking (after going to that class Thursday and the lady ripping out what I had done telling me it was WRONG. Very hard, very sad, bitch!)

Anyway, it's been one of those nice weekends where you feel rested enough. I applied for a job and um got an email asking me to apply but it's for reporter, which I don't want. Sorry.

Anywayayayay! I begin Atkins tomorrow, and this 3 month diet thing, man I hope I do well! I WILL do well! I'm going to aerobics Monday and Wed. Kick boxing on Tuesday. Thurs is violin and now rug hooking class.

argh! Huh.

Maybe I'll drop rug hooking - I don't think I need to go each time, I'll see. So far I'm going slow and trying to do it perfectly - they told me that I need to learn how to do it right the first time through. I can understand that.

My next one, I think I want a step up. Then I want to make my own design - which isn't hard - of a violin rug. The hard part is figuring out how much wool to use!

I'll make it through, the group is very nice. And can point me in the right direction. I've also been saving up money, I didn't buy anything from ebay this month except a 11.00 perfume thing from Avon.

I know that won't break the bank for me, not like my little secret.


Glad to see fitness friend Lucy is okay - Mrs. Texas was there for that horrid hurricane, I was gettin worried as everyone was because you don't hear from someone and do not have their phone number ... yikes.

posted by Jennifer @ 8:05 p.m. on 2003-07-19
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