Artificial Intelligence

>>> Money woes...bouncy bouncy checky wecky ... fuck!

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I hate updating twice in one day, but sometimes you just gotta when shit happens and you can't really talk to anyone except this fucking online thing.

My parents are being fucking assholes, they keep 'teasing' me and treating me like shit think it's 'funny.'

I told them to stop because I came home from work because I feel like shit - dizzy, headache, stomach hurts and they keep fucking saying all this shit.

I'm ready to scream.

Then they start saying mean shit and then I react and they get all hurt like and yell at me for being grouchy.

What the fuck is up with that. I seriously need to move out, I don't need extra BS like this in my life, I'd rather come home and not have to deal with stupid shit like this, I'd rather relax and not have to worry if my asshole parents are mad, upset, thinking I'm lazy, happy, sad, etc.


The reason I am updating again is because I got a email from my bank and dummy me over drew my checking!


I've never done that before and of course I get paid tomorrow, so I threw some money in there from my savings and then emailed them.

They are so stupid, it's like you ask them a question and they don't reply back to what you've asked.

I'm like 'I transferred my money, is that all I need to do?'

They email some fucking statement that doesn't answer what I asked.

So after three emails, I find that everything is "okay" and that I'll be charged $30 DOLLARS cause of this.

That's fucking bunk, $30 fucking dollars??


So this is a wake up call for me to keep my checkbook balanced better and make sure I have money in my account before I spend it!


I didn't tell ANYONE, my parents would FLIP OUT if they knew this happend, I'm not even telling my sister. No one! At all!

I can imagine them, 'Oh she's horrible with money, she spends to much we knew this was coming.'

I know that would be the fucking talk of the day and I don't need my parents GLOATING about how they'd never done that and THEY keep their money in check.

Lord I can imagine that, so fuck that one in the ass, I'm keeping this problem to myself - and I feel better that it's cleared up - and I do have to pay for this mistake.

I chalk it up to a life experience - and maybe a lesson because I'm never gonna do that again. Odd that I thought about that last night in bed if I had enough in my checking from my recent expendatures.


Oh well I do feel tired and I am going to go lay in bed with the door shut to get away from my parents and hopefully if I can't have the kind of life I want, I can dream it at least - new job, my own place...what a lovely dream.

Ooh money too. Fuckers.

posted by Jennifer @ 6:15 p.m. on 2003-07-10
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