Artificial Intelligence

>>> Well used

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I came to work today kind of scared. Last night my computer just crashed, it wouldn't restart, it was angry, it was just pissed off because I've been surfing the net to much or something, maybe bitching to much.

So today I wondered if it would be okay, as my newsletter section was on my desktop and if it were to crash, then all that work would be gone. I wanted to cry at that very thought as it is due tomorrow morning.

I asked the office computer pro to fix it, she tried and tried, finally calling the tech guy and again, I kept think, omg what am I going to do, I don't want to do it all over again!!!

Finally they got it back up and running, it was so lovely, I felt SO good and relieved. Man it was scary for a bit, she kept saying 'wow this is bad Jenn.'

I kept saying, 'please just save that section.'


I feel okay now that that is finished and that it's all done and okayed.

I have *nothing* to do now this week, just type in some old stories and putz around.

I wanted to take a half day tomorrow, but it's looking like I have to be in here by 9:30 a.m. and a meeting is at 3:30 ....


I guess that idea is SHOT down. Uh thanks.

So maybe Wednesday is the day!

Da parents are going home tomorow till Wednesday to sign the house over to my sister.

Then Dad is meeting w/ the lawyer about his retirement since his school fucked him over.

I wish I knew a lawyer really well. But we'll see I suppose.

My sister called me twice today and asked if I thought it was a good idea that hobo move in, I said I didn't know, it was like she was trying to get my 'approval.'

I simply don't know. I feel a bit that is what he wants since he has money woes, and I don't see him as paying her for rent in any shape or form and it pisses me off that he's getting MY ROOM.

With MY TV

And MY Stereo

and My my MY dresser and stuff.

I can say I won't be going home if he's in MY ROOM because I am not sleeping in the basement.

She said it would only be for about two months, I wanted to say, um why bother?

Oh well, the guy at work is acting weriod. Last night I was reading these porn email titles (we get a lot of junk mail) I laughed at the one and read it out loud it said 'want to get a drink.'

He thought I was for real I think, he said WHAT? I was like OH nothing it was on this email.

Now I feel like a little tease or something, I feel weriod now, I didn't mean that.


I also was surfing the net because I actually have a bit of free time, it's lovely!

I found my favorite site and was reading through that trying not to laugh outloud.

Then later today my sister called me again.

She told me she was attacked by a bird and I couldnt help but laugh hard, especially when I found out she through a shovel at it.

Then mom called to say she could've been pecked in the eye whereas I was ready to die laughing.

I scream laugh and laugh really loud when something hits me so I had to control myself!


My Sarah Brightman cd came today in the mail as did my Avon stuff, I can't wait to go home and see my 'presents'


I realized last night I need to lose weight, I was like screw this, I'm eating less. Tonight I"m going to aerobics where I haven't went in like 3 weeks! So I'm easing my way into Atkins, I figure the festival is this week and I'm eating my kettle corn, soo after this I think I'll hit it hard.

I get to pick up my violin on Thurs. I can't wait to see it, when they rehaired my bow they cleaned it so nicely, it looked brand new, so I hope the guy maybe took time and cleaned up the old violin - he said it was German and pricing it...he didn't know but said it was 100 yrs old and worth fixing it (the sound, you should hear the sound, so rich so beautiful, I hope it still sounds that way after all of this fixing I guess I do have a bit of the 'violin ear') all those scraps and scratches, maybe he tried to care for that thing, thought it makes it just an interesting violin.

He called it.

Well used

posted by Jennifer @ 2:30 p.m. on 2003-06-30
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