Artificial Intelligence

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Annoyance of the Day:
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Lordy. People, I swear.

Some people have nothing better to do with their lives other than to make other people's lives hellish.

They sit down, call you up and bitch about an article you wrote, saying some info isn't contained in it, you point out this info and they suddenly feel stupid and hang up on you cause they are stupid.

I really hate that, I come to work and this bitch calls about my article and is SO rude. There is NO call for that. She says the first name of the man isn't in the article, so I pull it out and say, 'yes it is, it's in the first paragraph,' she protests and then says "OH there it is" *click*

Fucking snatch whore bitch.

So I misspelled this mans last name in the paper - it was an innocent mistake - of course I did not mean to do it on purpose, maybe it was I was going to fast, or maybe I just thought I typed it right, never the boss is making a big deal about it, like I spelled GOD wrong or something.

He's like the 'big boss' ala the publisher is mad and the general manager is mad and even God is mad because of this typo.

I think he's making a bit to much of this.

But he says reprimands will be given out!

And I shrug cause I don't care about 'reprimands.'

I wanted to say, boy it's nice to be perfect, and it's nice to pin the 'creditablity of the paper is shattered' thanks to one name spelled wrong.

God, I must be satan to be able to totally crumble a paper that's a decade old - wow, the power I have!!

I think it's stupid they get so angry at this, they always do this like we mean to make mistakes and boy we want to get yelled at! Yes, it's so pleasureable to be talked to like I'm a dog and made to feel like I'm shit because of something that I bet no one really noticed, or read over, or even laughed at.

But no.

Some asshole calls the 'big boss' and bawks, and this saying of 'we stand by our employees 100 percent is bullshit because I certainly do not feel like anyone is catering to my side or my feelings.

My boss said - well you're a valued employee (lie) and I'm working you into the future of this business here (lie) and I hope, well hope you want to stay here.

I smirked sarcastically, maybe he could read my mind as sighed like a sarcastic teenager who was just told not to wear makeup.

I wanted to say ... you know my parents treat me this way, and I go home and am treated like a child, I have no personal life, I can't find a job to get out of here and to be on my own.

You know.

I really wish I could 'grow up' instead of constantly being treated like a fucking kid, the young unexperienced stupid girl. Cause I get that at home and here, keep me on that leash why don't you.

My boss said I should apologize to the manager here, and I said I would cause she shouldn't get in trouble because of my error - but I'm not sure when I'll do this even if I will.

We're having a board meeting so I can sit there and be ridiculed all over again in front of the office, so everyone knows just how stupid I am and they will sit there with a blank look on their faces and think not again, God she's so dumb.

Yes, I know this might sound like I'm over reacting, but this is how it is, really.

So I'm in a bad mood anyway, I have kickboxing tonight and I can't wait to go because I'm taking off tomorrow and hope that today just goes away and dies in some forgotten corner.

I keep wanting to get a new job, living with my parents is getting so .... dependent, I want to be on my own and know that I bought this and THIS is mine and I can burn popcorn and not get yelled at, I can break a vase and not get a guilt trip.

I applied for a job in Chicago - and am going to apply for another one in Chicago this weekend.

I have it narrowed down to what I want in a job, so that is a postitive thing. It's just getting another interview that is the trick.

I feel just yucky anymore ... I don't read anyones emails anymore and am tired of IM's and tired of talking about the same shit all the time.

I guess I need a change.

I need to get off my period - it's another bad one and it feels like it'll never stop. I have cramps, mood swings and bloated like a dead deer on the highway on a sunny day.

Argh...I feel like crying right now and I know I'll have to sit there at that meeting feeling like an asshole and looking down, then go home and explain it to my parents who will bawk and curse as if it was happening to them and if they could talk to the 'big boss' like he was there.



It's funny how I worked my ass off to finish and write all these things, and do all this stuff for people and this one little thing has spoiled the bunch.

I need to get out of here.

posted by Jennifer @ 12:22 p.m. on 2003-06-24
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