Artificial Intelligence

>>> Meg Ryan movies and mushy shit

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Okay I'm listening to "I will be here" by Steven Curtis - and feel like a loser.

It's a wedding type song, it's so cute! If I were getting married now I would definately have it used in my wedding!

Okay enough on that, since I'll never be married on the track I'm currently on.

So I guess I will be here too.

Um okay, enought of that altogether.

Today is my birthday I'm 26 years old and the last time my bday fell on Friday the 13th I was 14 or something. I remember thinking "the next time my birthday falls on Friday the 13th I'll be 26, I'll be so old.

So I don't really feel older, and my bday hasn't been much of a fuss today.

Got new gym shoes, exercise wear, a new comforter and umm shirt.

Hooray. Parents gave me $100. So I'm happy about that, got Dad's presents today for father's day.

Other than this, I'm a bit content, just don't want to go back to Michigan, I really don't. It's true.

I know where I want to be now, here, or near here, somewhere. But still....

Do I haveta go back?

This song is making me feel lonely and like a loser, like those mushy Meg Ryan movies.

posted by Jennifer @ 5:06 p.m. on 2003-06-13
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