Artificial Intelligence

>>> Stressed, work, diet, help!

Annoyance of the Day:
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It's been a completely busy day.

I mean talk about CRAZY. I haven't had a moment for myself except for now where I'm sneaking in a diary entry and trying to 'relax.' Yeah right!

I am going to kick boxing in about 25 minutes, I'm a bit timid and I feel nervous already! I'm scared I won't be able to keep up - and get confused and look like a complete dumb ass. I know there are some skinny, bitchy girls who always glare at me when I left the class before this one.

The teacher likes me though, so maybe she'll go easy on the class, she warned me that a lot of people like to go FAST, so I have to not let that get to me.

I thought about not going, but I did tell the teacher I was going and she kept saying 'don't let it get to you, you know you have to go a few times to get it, so don't let yourself get frustrated and give up, I'll try to help you as much as I can...blah blah blah."

So I feel I must go or else she'll think I chickened out and I don't chicken out of anything! Well...maybe I do now and then...but I try not to!

So that's where I'm off to in 20 minutes and which is why I feel my stomach has butterflies in it and feel a bit shakey, I don't know why. I am used to classes, but I guess these 'big' classes where I'm the new guy in town and one that will be falling all over and standing there when she gets lost is just a bit nerve racking to me when I'm usually the girl who goes to every class and knows them by heart!

Okay I'll survive it and go home and probably pig out, putting back those calories...hehe. But I am beginning Atkins again, I swear it, after this week with my b-day and that interview... in *shutter* TWO DAYS.


Time is flying.

Today I nearly died, we have this special section coming out and I thought I couldn't go home this week, I was ready to cry. I told my boss the deadline couldn't be right, but still it was pushed back, but now I get back here and instantly have a shit load of things to do! Ack!

If I wasn't going this week home, I could catch up, but that's out of the question!

So when I come back, I should plan on sleeping over in the office because I will be working and stressing out to the max to make sure it all gets done.

I'm just so darn happy that fucking graduation edition is DONE. Talk about a BITCH to do. I spend all day on it, then went to lunch, took a photo and wrote an article, called for another article.

Talk about feeling like a reporter today, then having people contact me to do stories, etc. It's weriod that I'm getting 'recognition' of some type now of being a serious reporter.

I keep thinking 'when did this happen?'


I feel so nervous, God I hate this feeling, it's like fuck why am I scared about exercising? not like I haven't done it before!

My teacher said I know 3 of her routines, so I should be fine.

My stomach is hurting bad right now, so please think and pray for me from 6:30 till 7:30 and then again on Thursday (central time) at 11 a.m. when I go to my interview...and oh yeah Wed. night when I'm crunching out a powerpoint presentation.

Yeah, you can say I'm a bit stressed out! lol

I don't know if I lost or gained weight, my pants fit looser today. But I was reading some Atkin stories last night and those always motivate me, it's so simple and hard at the same time. I guess it's just willpower and drive that must make you decide what you want.

But considering I just bought a lot of clothese from spiegel and they aren't fitting all that well, I have to get on some type of healthy eating plan, and oh yeah go to my classes that I've been skipping all to OFTEN.

i.e. seeing my exercise teacher after I skipped a class me buying donuts and have sugar laced pop in arm. He's buying healthy chicken and is all sweaty from work out.

I felt really fat and embarassed and fat and so lack of control. How horrible that moment was.

Well back to work! *whip crack from boss who gave me 33 cent raise two months ago*

posted by Jennifer @ 4:36 p.m. on 2003-06-10
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