Artificial Intelligence

>>> Sounding worse all the time

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I kept trying to update yesterday and then deleting it, or getting disturbed.

It's been a crazy day so far, I'm doing very well though.

I had a 'business meeting' at 1 - and two court cases and hmm am doing this special section due tomorrow - Yikes!!

I was told 'hey you have two HUGE sections coming up and both are due in about a week and a half!'

Lord, and I have to tell all the reporters what stories to do. They never listen to me and I say 'it's due by Monday, and they are like, Tuesday? Okay!' Or they give you that 'do I have to' look. And I say YES YOU DO.


I sometimes hate having to do that, I love to put together the sections, but it's like pulling teeth when you need others to help copy wise! Or you have that last minute girl 'oh can you add this 20 inch sidebar that will throw off the whole page, and what you don't have room for?'


Other than this, I am skipping exercise because I'm just to busy today! I know that's bad since my teacher saw me buying sweets after I skipped his class that I probably look like a fat ass in his eyes, not to mention I'm missing Wednesday's class.

I am going to kickboxing though tomorrow!

Whoopie...I'm so nervous, yet kind of excited because it's something new and I'll feel good if I survive it.... Just hope I don't fall over!


Anyway, I noticed I'm a bit bloated today, I'm not sure why, maybe it's because I ate the equivalent of 5 lbs of sugar yesterday in all the sweets I had.

I'm not that 'scared' about my interview anymore, I'm more like FUCK IT lets get it over with already. I think that's good thinking, I want to get everything done and then kablamo, have a good birthday weekend.


Last night, I dreamed I was PREGNET. I don't know why, I think it had something to do with creepy south haven man and talking to him last night - I said I had a headache and needed to go and he said 'and I didn't even get to ask you yet."

He kept saying that, and I think he's for real, is he seriously going to ask me for sex??

I hope not.

Cause that's just fucking creepy.

Anyway, I went to bed thinking about that, and then dreamed I was prego, and my mom was mad at me and I was poor and I didn't even talk to my sperm donor.

I remember he was a spanish dude who didn't speak english, hated me and umm was dirt poor.

My mom told me in my dream I had ruined my life and would better off if the baby died.

And in my dream, I was wishing it would die and wishing I would miscarriage.

I know

Is that not a fucked up dream?

Wow, I guess maybe God is telling me I should be happy I'm a virgin and that sex equates to unwanted babies.


I know, I probably sound creepy now, I would never wish a miscarriage on myself if I would ever to become prego on accidento, I'd just get an abortion lol.

How nice of me, but I wouldn't be in that situation anyway, okay I'll shut up before I sound even worse.

Maybe God is keeping me single cause of these nutty thoughts/dreams I have...hmm.... eek!!

posted by Jennifer @ 3:10 p.m. on 2003-06-09
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