Artificial Intelligence

>>> Deal with it already

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I did funky today. I woke up and ate a brownie (bad) had a wasa cracker with butter and jam on it, then for lunch had a egg with sausage links.

Dinner was um...popcorn, more brownies and meatballs.

I'm trying to get back on Atkins, it's hard.

I've been reading the success stories ... and wow it's like I CAN DO THIS, they make it sound so simile and maybe, just maybe if I get in that mindset it could be easy.

That man who's my age who wanted to lose to get a girlfriend was so touching to me, it opened my eyes, I feel exactly as he does. He weighed 315 lbs when he started on Valentines Day LAST YEAR. He decided to do it, and lost 100 lbs now. Wow, he has a girlfriend now, and it's like wow what a story, it reminds me of ME and my own goals.

My mom said, ' he didn't need to lose to get a girlfriend.' I said YES he did, I know how it IS. I'm sorry, but fat dating is like not dating at all, if I lose 100 lbs I know I would date more, it's a fact of life, men want thinner girls, who likes fat things? It's a fact of life, I am dealing with it.

I just need to get back into that motiviation and I think I need to go to these message boards for help.

I just need to begin, I want to get all these bad foods out of the house because I know I have low will power.

I'll see what I can do I'll update later.

posted by Jennifer @ 10:20 p.m. on 2003-05-16
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