Artificial Intelligence

>>> Going home, pink dress and slutty shoes

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

About fucking time! I hate when Diaryland gets so damn jammed up, you reload a zillion times and get that error message! Ugk!

Oh well.

Went shopping today, bought four pairs of shoes today, and a skirt/top outfit and a dress up shirt.

I have my wedding outfit, which I might add is very girlish and bought this high heeled sandels which make my legs look goooood. Wow, I really do have nice legs.

I emailed out my resume to Elgin and they emailed me back that it didn't work, so I told em' that I snail mailed one and also cut and pasted another and attached it. I sent them a resume before for a job and they never called me, so I bet all this hoping and needless worry and planning is for nothing because they won't call me again.


Monday is going to be nutty for me, with three cases, then working the night desk, while talking this reporter to take a photo ... and fuck me I have to take a photo Sunday ... and then Monday go to my exercise classes...God damn!

I really hate having such a filled schedule, it feels like I have NO time anymore to do anything at all.

I so pray to get this job in Elgin, I mean get out of this shit pay, schedule and un-appreciation and rudeness I feel so often here.

Granted I'll miss my parents deeply, but still, we all have to move on, move out and get on with our own way! It's a scary thing to me, I know I'll absolutely hate it there for the first few weeks, months then get used to it finally and then start making my own way. All I need to find is exercise classes and violin classes.

I'm worried about finding a violin teacher that won't charge me $20 a lesson or more. I see some are $15 for just a half hour a week!

That is fucking CRAZY.

So maybe my violin days might be over.

I do know if I do get this job, I want to move somewhere between Elgin and home, so I don't have to drive as far. Maybe in Orland Park or something ... I mean I'm thinking a 20 min. drive to work isn't that bad, hell I do that here each day.

Because basically I'd like to go home and see sister sometimes, or pooks or whatever.

Oh hm. I really wish that job was in Chicago where I could just live at home or something.

I could always MOVE to chicago, since it's about 20-30 mins from Elgin, but still...working late and driving home to there...ooh. I don't know.

I won't think on this to much, as I have a feeling I won't get a call and will have my hopes shattered once more.

Oh well I think I pissed off Josh, he wants me to come visit him when I drive home and I don't want to, fuck I want to go HOME, not take a detour and fucking spend an hour feeling nervous about him and finding my way back onto the high way. I'm tired of him besides, he's so needy, whiney and blah.

Oh god, please please please help me.

Oh well my wedding outfit is so nice, I can't wait to wear it, I have to buy nylons, though I hate wearing them, ug! I must though or my legs will look bad.

Then my sis. graduation I'm wearing that black top with red/black skirt w/ these sexy ass heels I bought today. Woo hoo. I don't like this skirt because when I sit down it feels to tight, standing up I'm fine. Damn hips!

Regardless, I think I'll wear flesh colored nylons with it, I was going to wear black, but that's over kill.

Hm, I love clothes! I'm letting my mom borrow a brand new shirt I bought and this cami for under it (God please don't let her spill something on this shirt!) I mean I bought the shirt today and she's already saying she has nothing to wear, as my sister whom I might let borrow my brand NEW leopard ish shirt, that is beatiful!

Then again I might not because she might want to keep it! heheh

As for jewelry, lord I need to go through my things to find something nice.

I bought some makeup from Urban Decay and hope I can do myself up nice, as Grandma will be inspecting me and my weight loss. Not to mention my violin playing....

I got this cool eye shawdow in this darkish pinkish color with silver specks in it. Then got lip stain. So this would be good with my pink wedding outfit! I was going to wear my fake nails, but not w/ nylons!

Hm, okay I just hope this week flys by and that Thurs goes by fast, and I just made Josh mad, so now what.

posted by Jennifer @ 11:26 p.m. on 2003-04-25
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