Artificial Intelligence

>>> Loving parents, you tell me.

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

It appeared to be a good day, the sun was shining, I slept very well, it was cool out and the dog was in a crazy cute mood.

My mom began acting a bit angry and mean because she was cleaning then got hot from cleaning.

Then she asked if I wanted to be measures (I had the measuring tap around my neck) and I said, no. She asked again, and I said, no, do you want to be measured? (I measured her last time) she said 'yeah' sarcastically.

So she's all sweaty and says 'I'm getting real tired of your attitude.' I look over at her and she's all sweaty in this long sleeved long john and sweat pants, I say "why don't you go change into something else to make you cooler?" She bursts into tears and goes in her bedroom.

Then later on she's like 'do you want to do this now or when dad gets in,' I ignore her because she is completely off the wall.

My dad comes in and they both proceed to yell at the top of their LUNGS at me like I'm some fucking kid.

I don't say a word, and they proceed to call me names - yes for real.

My mom says how 'retarded' I looked at the wedding shower because I didn't talk to anyone and said there, and this lady who commented on me being a reporter probably thought I was 'retarded' because I didn't speak.

Then dad says I'm a snob and no one likes me because I'm a snob.

I'm not making this up folks

So I don't say a word as they go on and on about how ungrateful I am to them, my bad attitude, how I walk all over them, take their money and get this - disrespect them.

It must be that retardation

So I sat there wordless because whatever I say or do is wrong. They tell me I'm lazy and ask what have I to be so unhappy for.

I so desperately wanted to say look in the mirror but I bit this back and concentrated on a resume I sent out today.

So it began as a good day, but now they tell me I'm a snob and have no friends, and am a taker not a giver and desrespect everyone, is a bully, is mean and above all they tell me a few times I owe them.

I owe my mom, or so she says, for giving birth to me.

Is this right? No.

I kept thinking to myself, Jenny calm down, and don't listen. No wonder I'm fucked up, I kept telling myself, don't take this in, they are off the wall,not you.

Then mom says I have to pay for my own car insurance comes June - though it's $500-600 or even $800. I'm sorry, I don't make nor have that kind of money!

But I said fuck THIS -- I so want to move out now, seriously I do not need this type of stress and verbal abuse from my so-called loving parents. She said after my car is paid off she doesn't care if I live on the street.

So, I'm hoping I get a new job, God please. Or else I was thinking about looking in Manistee for a cheap apartment because I cannot live with them like this. They make me feel like I owe them for everything I do, like because I'm a good writer, well then I owe them. Or because I have a job, oh I owe them.

That just isn't right, they are fucked up. Mom says she doesn't care if she ever speaks/sees me again.

Motherly love?

I told my sister, who also has been threatened with that. That we should give them what they want, not see or talk to them.

Have our marriages and our kids and never any grandparents.

Isn't that what she's asking for? If she didn't want to have kids, why did she have us, the disappointments?

Why am I so unhappy? Why do I have all these little relationship problems, and worries and strange weight problems?

You tell me.

posted by Jennifer @ 2:51 p.m. on 2003-04-26
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