Artificial Intelligence

>>> Fed up with fellow fatties who don't even try! Hello!

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I should be working right now, it's been a fast day, I was in court from 11 till 12:15 or maybe 12:30.

I got back, ate lunch, wrote two stories ... and then tried to layout some sections due this week.

I'm being lazy today, I have a lot of paginating to do and just am lazy for some reason. Everyone is in a hell of a mood.

So, I'm staying out of everyone's way, though that girl really pissed me off today. I mean hell will there ever be a day I don't get fucking yelled at for something, some God damn mistaken, some style they dislike.

It's annoying, I know it's a job, but come on.

So I'm sitting here with a bit of a headache and hoping I will do well in exercise class tonight because last time I sweated so much it was disgusting. I mean I was dripping on the mat and down my face, bleck.

So, I did Atkins today, I mean I didn't do great, but I did have 2 eggs and like 5 sausage links for breakfast, which was delicious! Lunch was a can of veggie soup, though it had noodles, carrots and barley in it all things that aren't on Atkins! Then had four small chocolate eggs and one lemon drop.

How bad of me. So I went to my desk and threw out all the lemon drops.

The eggs were something in the breakroom, which are now gone.

But right now I want a little something, probably because I eat a snack at this time, I should bring some string cheese to work to eat or Wasa bread or something like that.

I mean even if I'm not following this to a T at least it's healthier eating. I will try to ween myself off sugars, I mean I already made some sugar free jellos stuff, which was mighty tasty might I add.

So I don't mind this eating, not like I did so bad before, just no more pizzas or pastas, breads, sugars...ok.

So Josh didn't call me nor email me today, this is a first since we started talking, but that is fine I don't miss the boy and maybe we've been talking to much lately.

He wants me to stop off in South Haven on the way home, which scares me because I don't like to get off the road since I'm quite bad with directions.

So we'll see I guess.

I guess we will see see see because anymore I'm bored with this little fake relationship, we haven't met and we live to far apart not to mention, he's 17 yrs older than me, I tried to think of how I've always wanted to go out and go partying and shit, and I cannot see it with this man.

I mean what IF I lose even more weight and feel all the better about myself and can obviously get better guys?

Lets not dream Jenny.

Sorry, but now and then, I just feel that I work out way to much and way to hard to date some lazy fat ass who bitches they are to fat and then wants to go out and eat or eats to much or doesn't want to exercise.

I see, am seeing why skinny folks don't usually date fat folks - well unless that fat folk is exercising.

I am superficial, I know. My mom says I'll be a bitch when I lose all the weight I want, but not really, I mean I LOVE to help out people who want to lose, but I do hate when they don't want to even try to lose, it's like get off your ass or shut up already. We're all battling weight, but it's like saying you want to win the lotto and not buying a ticket. You actually have to start the ball rolling and not wait for that ball to come to you.

It's hard I know, but when it's your time to finally lose after you're fed up with yourself...then do it already.

So anyway, I still feel pissed off a bit from today's craziness.

My boss says I work 'banker's hours' what does that mean?

posted by Jennifer @ 3:08 p.m. on 2003-04-21
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