Artificial Intelligence

>>> Stupid me

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Well I did it, today, I did something I never thought I'd do.

I went to burn garbage and took my three boxes of sugary cereal and burnt them. They were full boxes of my sugary goodness.

As you see, I am beginning Atkins once again. This time I'm doing it by the book, going on induction then OWL. I don't want to be as strict as I was before because that's to hard.

Monday I plan to begin, but now I'm just kind of working up to Monday by slowly throwing out and enjoying my final carbs. Today I had a huge bowl of tortillini and ravioli and with butter and salt, it was delicious, and about a years worth of carbos. It was a nice thing.

Well I'm still talking to South Haven man who wants to meet me and is really hitting the ol' relationship talk hard. This is strange and foreign land for this cold, icy girl who thinks all men find her replusive, or like a china doll that you cannot touch.

We're supposed to meet soon, what sucks is I'm just busy for the times he wants to meet.

Plus my parents are here and always have to know and stuff about this type of thing.

It would be so much easier if he were younger, but he's not and there's nothing I can do about that. I don't even know if this will turn into anything, but I already have a mini crush on him, when he calls and when I think of him now and then throughout the day.

I'm being stupid again.

posted by Jennifer @ 12:15 a.m. on 2003-04-19
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