Artificial Intelligence

>>> The impossible dream ...

Annoyance of the Day:
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Damn, I hate when diaryland is jammed up and busy. How annoying.

I had a very busy busy day. I havent had time to breathe whatsoever!

It's been nuts! I got to work and remembered I had a court case at 10:30, but also had to finish the weekly paper, I juggled this as the girl who helped me last night w/ that school board meeting came up to me and asked me about following up on some of the topics.

Ugg, I thought.

I saw two more cases that were going. I wanted to scream!

Damn it!!

So I ran back to the office, then ran back to court, came and gobbled up lunch, which was a bowl of cereal.

Went back to court, while waiting went to a conference room and interviewed for two stories that spawned from that school board meeting....

Ran back to court in time to watch two lawyers verbally fighting so loudly, it was scary. So I sat down next to my friend, and sighed as the judge walked in, ran back to work, typed up FOUR, yes FOUR stories.

Downloaded AP stuff, and um ate two twinkies heh heh

Now I'm waiting to go process some photos and then run out the door at 5 - to get to my exercise class at 5:30!

Go home at 6:15 ... the just DIE.

That fucking bat in the basement kept waking me up, I'd start to fall asleep and then hear 'scratch scratch scratch' then woke up a few more times then finally said fuck it.

I woke up at 8 and fell back asleep at 8:30 and jolted out of bed because I was going to be late for work.

It was hot out today too, and I wore a wool sweater! Arh! I can't wait to change.

Josh called me yesterday - and I'm still not okay from this, lord I'm not good on cold calls, I was very ditzy while he sounded intelligent, I sounded like a squeaky girl.

*Sigh* he keeps asking for photos of me, and I'm like WHY? I dont' like that, I mean I've already low self esteem and I dont like the feeling that he needs to me more pics to see ... I don't know?

Hm... lord why am I all ga ga over this person? I mean really? What the hell is this? I get all happy to see his emails or IM's, I guess a new friend like that, whom I'm comfy with is a very good thing.

I just worry about when we meet. Then the dream will end.

posted by Jennifer @ 4:27 p.m. on 2003-04-15
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