Artificial Intelligence

>>> Spending TO MUCH MONEY!!!! EEK

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Jesus fucking Christ!!!

I spent to much money again, I went to Target and my credit card was declined, I was like WHAT?! The cashier got shitty and was like 'have you paid it, when did you pay it?' I wanted to say mind your own fucking business.

But I realized that I am over my limit, but I did just put $200 on it, I guess they haven't gotten that check yet.

Not to mention, I owe for my car payment, then violin, gym fees. I am truely and utterly in the poor house until I get paid next.

From now on I AM going to start saving money, at least have $500 in my savings, then work up to having $1000 in it.

I can do this considering I don't really even use that much cash during the week, my parents THANKFULLY buy me food and my dad gases up my car a lot.

OKAY my goal is to save money now, damn I don't like feeling this way!

When I get my tax return I am going to deposit it, and then my next step is to pay off my credit card ... then save save save, and I know I do need summer clothes, but I think I will only buy when there is some great sale and ONLY when I really do need them!


Maybe I'll sell some stuff on ebay as well, because there are birthdays coming up, so there...there is my pledge to start saving money!!!

Phew...glad to get this out of my system, hopefully I'll get my raise at work soon, I told my boss about wanting one, so we shall see.

Um oh well, I ate bad today, I think tomorrow I will try to exercise somehow, take a walk outside or something.

I'll update tomorrow!

posted by Jennifer @ 9:52 p.m. on 2003-04-03
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