Artificial Intelligence

>>> Happy go luck fuck

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Man this morning has just flew by. I'm sitting at work right now and have a mild headache yet feel good today.

I walked into work and someone brought fantastic muffins. I had one and talked with the 'girls' a bit and then the receptionist came and told me I had a phone call.

I'd always dreamed of being a business woman in demand, with so many things to do and people bidding for my time.

And there I was running to my phone with my violin case in hand (I can't leave it in the car) my mid-length black jacket fluttering in my mini-jog, my brown heels making soft clacks on the carpet and my dark brown pants swishing at my ankles because they are to big.

I ripped off my jacket threw it on the chair and answered the phone.

I'd forgotten to transfer a file, but oh well, I apologized and said I'd do it today.

Then my boss says I did a good job with the Bridal section and it was probably my best section I've done so far.

This was ironic for a girl who's not even close to being married, a girl who hasn't dated in 5 plus years.

I smiled, and muttered thanks, waiting for his next blow.

"But" he said bending down.

"You didn't let me see this before it went down and you have contradicting headlines, some in caps, some not ... I would've caught that if you'd let me look at it. From now on I want to see these before they go down."

Okay, I said, and told him I usually let him see it, but must've forgot.

Don't you just love those double handed compliments?

You're pretty, but if you lose


But I refuse to have another grumpy day. I slept very well last night I fell asleep at around 10. Then woke up at 8, went back to sleep and woke up at 8:48 and got up in a flash because I'd be late for work.

I did my hair in a little Victorian style with my sides pulled back and puffed in the front and long in the back.

Maybe that's the 40's look?

Ooh I still cannot wait to wear my outfit to my cousin's wedding shower. I love to dress up, and this outfit is so cool looking, I love it.

Though I am worried about being over dressed, I mean, I know I will be and I wonder if black and gray are good colors for a shower.....?

Hm, I might change my mind outfit wise.

I made the decision to just drive home Wednesday night, and ask my boss I can leave at 3 on Wednesday, then ask for a raise sometime.... I got my 401K packet and I cannot just take money from my already to low check.

I feel the rush to really find a job now, I just wish there were some great ones available. I am half-heartedly someone to reckon with, they usually want 2 yrs experience, as I now have a year and one month...well two according to my resume.

My one friend who's an editor said it took him 18 months to find a job when he first started, so I am guessing that it will make me that long if not longer.

But I will keep trying and trying, someday my ticket will be up.

Oh well I have to go eat lunch and get started on this HELLISH Gl Traveler thing, it'll be the death of me and if anyone, I mean anyone bitches about it, I have a mouthful of mean and disgusting words ready for them.

It looks like I still have to work on Churches since the pub date was pushed back because they don't have the correct paper to print it on, so the Fat Lady is asking me already about changes.

God damn it to hell I thought I was done with her nasty ass smelling nicotine breath that smells like a porta potty.



posted by Jennifer @ 11:51 a.m. on 2003-03-27
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