Artificial Intelligence

>>> Last nights supper

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I hate the weather here, they TV says 'you're gonna get less than an inch' I wake up and we have at least 3 inches, it's been snowing all friggin' day!!!

Hello, damn liar weather men.

SO I mailed out my last ebay package, I made quite a nice profit! At least $200 that accomodated my ebay fun for at least a while.

I got mad this morning at my bank in town, I wrote them a nasty letter because no one waited on me ... I drove up to the window and the woman wouldn't pay no mind to me, no one, yes NO ONE was there except me, I waited 20 mins. and then drove off pissed as hell. I wrote this seething letter, I'm quite good at writing complaint letters, so they said they are sending it to their management team and will get back to me. I'm still angry and I hope that snatch gets yelled at, I don't care if they know it was me.

So that set my day off, I get to work and then I find my case has been called off. ugk.

Oh well, I'm still in a somewhat good mood. Not sure why, I do feel better today from my past two days of feeling like shit.

I can't believe tomorrow is Friday! My sis is coming up w/ her friend (he might have to work though) so I've been cleaning up. Tomorrow I will finish cleaning up and will probably walk on the treadmill since I had a donut today :( and then go to my 2 hr exercise classes.

That should do the trick, plus eat healhy tomorrow.

Damn I have to wash my clothes tomorrow too ... maybe I'll go Sunday before work.

I am officially addicted to Russel Stover's Sugar Free Dk. chocolate mints. I so adore them. Oh I love them so, I ordered 6 bags from the net.

I feel better though, truly today, I don't know why, though violin class is making me nervous for some reason. I think learning to read music is what is stalling me completely. I practiced last night and today at work I looked at the keyboard of piano since we're going to be doing that (we need to know where the gdae keys are so when we tune our violin...) SO hopefully I'm back to tip top shape.

I find I keep playing two strings or my bow slides all over! I don't know this is all of the sudden plus I lost confidence!

How did this happen!!??!!? I missed a week of class and now I'm just a basket case. But I will continue to practice on the side, they said with practice you can keep the bow straight and do all the more better. I hope so, I know last night I was getting better after I played for a while.

It's just so....tedious ... and my oh my frustrating sometimes when you sound like hell.

I miss my bow, I really do, it's in the shop and my other bow I can't hold all that well. So tonight I will be struggling. Maybe I'll tell the teachers that I think I lost confidence or something.

I think all the sudden attention got to me, I mean people, even my teachers have all bought into me being 'good' so now I feel like a disappointment.

Last class one of the students said "wow we really sounded good this time" (I didn't think we did because I felt like I kept fucking up) and the teacher said, "Oh that's because Jennifer's here"

I was like HUH? I could take that two ways, that I'm a good player or that it sounded better due to 3 violins instead of two.

I was like ... "ha I wish no no..."

Ugk, I need to rebuild that confidence and just keep on practicing, I don't like this sheet music reading, but I've been going head of what we're studying and trying to learn all of the notes.

So far I know D and A fairly well. G and E I think are more advanced, not to mention you don't use them as much ... but still....

okay calm down Jenny you can do this.

I feel dizzy right now, my head is beginning to hurt, chest feels tight, yes, hello panic attack.

Oh well as for my weight loss, I am doing fine, though I've cheated quite a bit this week in a stupid move. Tues. I had pizza and a donut...and today I had a donut.

For shame!

But I've stuck w/ my exercise classes and I keep wondering when I should add a level to my step or when to add heavier weights to my routine.

I've been doing 3 and 5 lbs and I tried a 4 and 7 lb before. Last time I was happy I did a 3 lb because my arms began to ache.

All I know is I sweat so badly so I think that it's still doing good for my body. I know my cheats aren't great, but considering how and what I eat anymore, I think I do pretty fine.

I don't eat as much as before and sometimes I just don't want to eat because I don't know what I want, so I get a can of diet pop and have a piece of cheese or whatever is laying about.

Sometimes a piece of chicken is all I eat for supper.

Last night I had two bbq chicken fingers and veggies w/ cheese. It was great. tonight I'm going to make something...or maybe not.

Mom is worried I don't eat enough, I just laugh, of course I eat enough.

posted by Jennifer @ 4:20 p.m. on 2003-02-06
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