Artificial Intelligence

>>> Tummy woes...argh.

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Ow, my stomach hurts so badly tonight. I'm not sure what I did to it, or what I ate.

Today I had a keto biscotti, no carb or sugar and I think that did me in. Plus I had cauliflower, both are kicking my ass and I feel so ill. I feel like balling up and just dying.

I think it's a combo if my period ending as well, I hope this passes for tomorrow because tomorrow is SO busy for me.

I have to wake up extra early, find this reporters house and drop off his check, run to work and attend THREE, yes THREE court cases beginning at 9:30 a.m. which means I'll be in court all fucking day, then go back to the office and work on the Benzie paper (24 pages to paginate) and then be out the door by 4 to my exercise class.

Phew. In the middle of all of that I have to eat lunch and talk to one of the workers because my boss said that he has to answer to me now...I'm not boss material and he doesn't respect me.

So, oh well, my tummy says I better hurry.

I got home and shoveled once more, and got inside and had a mini tantrum by throwing shit around, which I hate. Maybe shoveling has done this to me as well, I shoveled heavy heavy snow today and got very chilled. It's horrible here. I hate it...same ol' story diff. day as they say.

Off to the

posted by Jennifer @ 11:34 p.m. on 2003-01-26
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