Artificial Intelligence

>>> Sore on strength training...ow...

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

People have some really fucked up diaries on this site, I always look at the banners and some of them make me wonder.

The one was, "butter my butt and call me a biscuit" um

I just got back from a run to a scene, I heard on the scanner about it, but they called off JAWS, so that usually means it wasn't that bad, so this girl who works here called and said, "there was a horrible accident!" So I drove like a mad woman out there and all it was, was just a rear end accident, no injuries little damage to each car. I got pissed, hello! A "horrible" accident is one where people are either dead or seriously injuried or the cars have flipped or on fire.

Not no God damn rear end accident!!

Oh well, it's snowing crazy here, did I mention I hate snow? I hope that the guy plows out my driveway because even if we dont' get a lot, it's still a steep driveway and my car slides all around, I'd rather pay that $15 for the plow..but oh well I'll cope, it seems that's all I can do anymore, just deal with these problems by myself and cope with them. Then later on cry in exhaustation (I did this when my car was stuck in 5 inches of snow and I had to shovel the WHOLE drive out, very very cope worthy moment.

Oh well, I did my first strength training class last night, we did abs and upper body, it went FAST, which was lovely. The instructor asked me to stay for the next class, but I was too tired. So I spoke a bit w/her she was nice ... she said that each class she teaches she has AB work in because people don't work on them, and need that the most.

So today my shoulders/arms are tender but my abs don't hurt as much as last time. I told the instructor I was hurting for a few days after that one!

So today I meet with the personal instructor, I will update again probably tonight or maybe tomorrow. I don't see what much she can help me with, I just want to take these classes and maybe do extra things to lose/work on. So maybe I won't be there all that long, I figured I could do little extras over the weekend or something.

Oh well, I better get back to work, our Kmart might be closing and I've been given the job of interviewing employees and good stuff like that, mostly comments on it ... joy joy joy. I hope it doesn't close, it's the only big store here, it keeps this town running and helps keep my dvd player stocked .... I don't think it'll close, it's really busy all the time since it's the only thing like it out here....oh well, I didn't think today would be sooo busy, but at least the day goes by faster. I have to leave at least by 4:50 to get over to the gym, I dress here because their dressing rooms over there are just to OPEN and thanks, they only have one bathroom in the place too! Eek!

So adios for now....

posted by Jennifer @ 12:55 p.m. on 2003-01-14
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