Artificial Intelligence

>>> Back in MICH

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I'm back in Michigan. It's very cold and very very windy. I mean my car almost blew off the road literally!

I was running around the house trying to shovel the little snow we had, and my coat was flutting around me like it was a cape.

So I'm home, I'm tired, it's 12 and it feels like it's earlier than that.

Today I had two sausages for breakfast, then had a green pepper as a snack, went to work, had a wendy's salad and a caff. free diet coke, got home and made my lunch for tomorrow had to cheese hot dogs and then a cup of SF Kool aid and just had a SF cherry drop.

Yesterday, I CHEATED again. I cheated Saturday too. We shan't talk of this.

I weighted myself and I weighed 279, and this was after I just ate and at night, to maybe I didn't gain? I'm hoping.

I'm taking a strength training class tomorrow at 4:30 till 5:30, then I might try out the elliptical trainer at the gym.

I have a Tuesday appt. with a personal trainer at 5, I hope she doesn't run me all over like some monkey. I'll tell her that I basically am going to take exercise classes ....

Ugk, oh well, I think I'm going to head off to bed, I'm tired and a bit thirsty. Tomorrow is a long day. I can't wait till I can sleep in....MOm and Dad are coming up Thursday and staying till Monday.

I have such a headache, I shouldn't have cheated, I also have PMS. You should hear the wind outside it's ROARING, it's so strange, I can feel the cold air in the house, must be seeping in down the chimney or the windows or both. Brr...fucking winter, hate winter.

posted by Jennifer @ 11:55 p.m. on 2003-01-12
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