Artificial Intelligence

>>> Day ... whatever 5?

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

New Year's has come and gone, how can these days fly by so fast??

I spent this morning looking for jobs and I updated my resume on one of the sites.

That cruiseline job took their resume off line, so I wonder if they've found someone or if they are starting the process of going through resumes. I wonder if I have a chance at it. I just hate this uncertainty.

Yet, I feel inside that I have a chance, I feel like yes, I will get this job. I've applied for a few jobs that I am qualified for, and it's like, what's going on?

Then I feel scared, what if I do get some new job, talk about change, starting over, being the "new kid on the block" once more. I hate when they treat you like you're just some stupid kid. Like, "oh we'll have to explain how to use quark and how the news business works," it's like hell-fucking-oo what the heck do you think I"ve been doing for the past year???

*Sigh* So my resumes are burning through the net somewhere and maybe someone is looking at it right now. I'm aiming towards page designer now. I know I can do that very well and very fast. I think I do it better than reporting, since reporting is very uncertain, and digging up stories isn't really a good thing for me, for some reason.

Oh well, enough of this talk, I will sit back and let my fingers do the walking, keep on top of new jobs and not fret about finding a new job as I did before.

I had one slice of bacon for breakfast, I'm feeling a little hungry right now, but not much. I'm going to get on the treadmill then take a shower and I think I'll try one of my protein shakes.

Last night for New Year's I got this tiny no carb/no sugar chocolate (think the size of ... a huge domino, or two dominos long, a bit thicker) and I cut this into three pieces and everyone had a piece. It tasted somewhat like chocolate, but nothing like fannie may. Oh well, it was good to taste it.

I ordered Keto Biscotti (no carb/sugar) and I also ordered some cinammon swirl crackers (no carb/sugar) I've read they are wonderful. So I can't wait to see how they will taste.

Plus I wonder when I'll get my FIRM package. Damn it to hell!

I am going to go to the fitness center sometime soon, like maybe .... thursday?

I have violin class tomorrow, but I don't work, so I have to drive 25/30 mins for an hour long class, then drive home again for 30 mins.... plus we're going shopping tomorrow, I'm getting my bow restrung, that poor bow. I truely adore it though, I mean it fits my hand perfectly. Unfortunately I'll have to wait a week for it to get restrung, so tomorrow I have to use the bow that came with my violin. I hate that bow, my thumb doesn't fit correctly on it, which screws up my playing a bit since I keep trying to make it fit, my hands get sweaty and it slips all over.

But, I am doing well in my classes, I am top student. Heh heh, really I am. There are three other women, two are older, in their 40's - 50's and they cannot play worth squat, then a young 4th grade girl, and we're in competition. Though last class we each had to play a solo and mine was the best, she squeaked and mine was perfect, the old ladies said, "wow that was beautiful". Arf... I can't help but be in competition. My family has always been that type that has to be and get the best. Soo....I'm arrogant, so what, it's nice to be able to do well.

Though my teacher has told me I'm a natural and I have a gift for it. I was like ... wow... that was nice of her to tell me because seeing as that old lady who sits next to me plays HORRIBLY even after all these classes, I just want to say, lady, why can't you play, why haven't you picked this up yet??? I don't understand it. I think she presses to hard, or maybe to light, the sound that comes from hers sounds like she's never had a class, not to mention the way she holds her bow...the teacher must sit by her, I feel sorry for her.

Oh well, I know probably in my fitness class I'll probably be like her, the one that doesn't get it, the one that the teacher must keep on. But I will keep up with it like she does, with that hope that someday you'll get it.

Okay, as for my Atkins diet, I've been doing pretty good. Yesterday, I did pretty damn good. I notice more energy, and I've lost 2 lbs. I'm at 282, was at 284. I weighed today expecting to see 281, but no. The scale flashed 270 for a second, I wanted to scream.

So I can't wait to begin my exercise classes, I feel like I don't want to do it, but it's because I'm scared for some reason, but I will push through.

I'm worried if I do find that other job, I will have to find new exercise classes and new violin instruction. UGK.

Oh well....I'll write later on.

posted by Jennifer @ 11:38 a.m. on 2003-01-01
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