Artificial Intelligence

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Annoyance of the Day:
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Thanksgiving was okay, we cooked, I did dishes with my sister, our friend and his father came over, we were in our cramped dining room where the chairs butted up against the patio door and on the other side of the table the chairs butted up against the buffet. We all ate, had some pie, coffee, and then my parents left for Michigan.

So now it's just me and my sister, so I dragged out some Christmas stuff and put things out to make the house cheery. I keep thinking, wow, my vacation is coming up, Dec. 19! Can I say Ya-fucking-hoo? I can't wait.

I wish I were home a lot of the time in Michigan, I mean I miss this type of stuff, I sleep so great here, I never sleep well in Michigan.

Coming home makes it hard to go back and makes me all the more bitter.

Anyway, it's funny because on my AOL profile I have for my relationship status as ... "accepting applications"

so people think they are clever when they IM and say, I'd like to apply or can I have an application. So I go through the speal, it's kinda fun because if I know I don't like someone for starters, I say, "well the current position is being considered right now."

Heh hehe but I meet most men on here that are complete dumb shits. I mean I can't deal with that kind of shit. They are uneducated, no college, have five kids and want to hit on me? Fuck you, I worked to hard to date some reject and have to deal with his problems. Or some fuck nut looking for a lady meal ticket. But my job doesn't pay that much, so....

Ooh I have a turkey headache...actually I was laying on the floor playing with the dog and crawled like a marine to get the toy that fell underneath the chest, and man alive, I felt like a sow rolling side to side like some fat snake. I got a head rush getting up and thought, damn this sucks. My jeans had fallen even, ew.

Okay, I'm going to begin painting again. I always like to paint, even in kindergarten, I remember always asking to paint, I just loved it. So I'm bidding on acrylic paints and tomorrow I'm going to HObby Lobby to buy a few things like paint brushes. I was thinking about selling some on ebay as outsider art, I'll probably keep a few, but who knows what I'll do when I finish them, I could love them enough to not want to sell em.

I guess I just need things to do.

posted by Jennifer @ 4:33 p.m. on 2002-11-28
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