Artificial Intelligence

>>> part two of shit day

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

My sister has the stomach flu, I hope I don't get it. I already feel like shit today, I just feel dizzy, and HOT all the time. I swear I get the stomach flu so BAD. I mean it's the WORST thing I've gotten so far, my colds aren't as bad as a night of puking and shiting my brains out then being doubled over the next day because the muscles in my stomach aches from heaving.


I don't want to get that, I'll get a cold, that's fine, but not the s-flu!

Oh well I ate like a pig today. Oh well, fuck it.

I also got mad at Pooks. He calls me at midnight, and wants to talk, he's an asshole and then he IM's me and I find he's BLOCKING me on his buddylist. He said he's blocking everyone but fuck that, there's a feature there on who you can let see you, and you know what? That's just plain fucking rude. I'm thinking about blocking his ass, not like it'll matter since we hardly talk anyway. Hhmph!

Oh well my dog is beginning to piss me OFF. He barks and barks then he fucking pissed on my rug!!!!!!!! He peed in the bathroom! UG! Then he wants out, he's hungry, he wants to play, he wants to lay on me. It's like, get the fuck away already Jesus. So I have a major headache right now with blurred vision and feel a bit nauseous. Though I think I feel this way cause I heard my sister puke and then ate some greezy ass food today, sooo....

Oh well.

posted by Jennifer @ 4:27 p.m. on 2002-11-09
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