Artificial Intelligence

>>> "Sunday is gloomy with shadows I spend it all, my heart and I have decided to end it alllll"

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I did it again!

I was watching All in the family, the episode where Gloria and meathead move to Florida. SO I start crying! Jesus!

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me, I think it's PMS. I watched Hearts in Atlantis and it was pretty good and I even got teary eyed there, I watched discovery channel and a baby tiger broke it's leg and they said it would be left for dead, there I go again with the water works.

I normally don't cry this much, but my PMS must be fucked up!

It's kinda funny in a way.

I also found out today that the job I was holding out for was taken off the web site which usually means it's been filled, but my mom thinks they are beginning interviews since it's only been a month.

So I got in my car to go wash clothes and go shopping and all of the sudden I felt so angry, and despair, upset because I was counting on this job. So I started cursing, "I'll never get out of this fucking place, I fucking hate Michigan, I won't get out, I can't believe I will be here a year, I simply cannot believe this BULL SHIT"

The bull shit part was when I started speeding around the curves and it started snowing to add to my hissy fit. It was positively LOVELY.

OMG! I just realized, I swallowed the gum I was chewing. I ate a piece of cheese and with it went the gum. Oh yuck! Oh geez, gross.

Oh well, I'm carving my pumpkin tomorrow I want some fuckin' roasted seeds.

I'm surprising giddy today even through it's been a pretty glum day.

posted by Jennifer @ 7:57 p.m. on 2002-10-25
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