Artificial Intelligence

>>> Right now

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I just applied for four jobs this week. It's strange that i'm doing this again, sending off my chicks out into the world and hope to hear from them again, yet none have made a peep.

I feel sad sometimes about it.

I am still sick, or something, this whole week I've been TIRED as HELL. I feel sick and feel like shit becuase I'm gaining weight, having done shit with my violin.

I'm tired, still, I haven't cleaned, and know my mom will say the house is a mess.

I don't feel like doing much.

I don't feel depressed, I don't know what i feel.

Maybe I am unconsciounsly....

I should be practicing my violin, I have a new tape, but I just don't feel like sitting here and rewinding it and then trying to play, plus I feel embrassed when my parents ask me to do what I just learned and I suck, I don't like that, and I know I'll suck for a while because I don't have classes yet because my snatch teacher is waiting more weeks, fuck nut.

So I have a bad headache, I need to get to bed, I left work early today, in the sunlight, it was nice.

I need to get back to eating better and exercise, I feel like a fat ass, and thought today I would've looked cute if only I was thinner. My mom streaked my hair retro style, I like it, just wish I wasn't this fat, I wish I was a size 20. sounds good right now

posted by Jennifer @ 8:09 p.m. on 2002-10-09
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