Artificial Intelligence

>>> WHy?

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I'm back in Michigan - hell - it's very very cold, tomorrow will be a high of 48! I got home and was scared since we had a BAD storm while i was away. Many branches fell, I didn't see any damage, though it was dark out.

I got the mail, brought in all my shit.

I feel like shit, I have or am getting a cold, my nose is running, my head hurts and my ears are popping.


I knew I'd get sick sometime, but at grandma's it was so dusty and we worked so hard, it was a exercise day though I did eat pretty bad.

Anyway, I'm getting a bit tired, it's midnight! I can feel the wind coming down the chimney and in the windows, it's very windy and rainy now and it's supposed to be like this all week. See Michigan doesn't have anything to protect itself from these storms and fronts, so we get the worst.


I called the violin guy/teacher

And he called and said he's going to go to some schools to ask for people to join, then in a few WEEKS "not anytime soon" he will start classes.

I got pissed.

I'm tired of waiting, I'm going to begin looking for more violin instructors even if I have to travel an hour. That's bad business, fuck this I'm tired of waiting.

I also got a MILLION books on violin from grandma's and have my new tape and just got a computer program to learn how to read music.

I think I might just be self taught! I mean seriously.

Oh well, I'm freezing, I'm so fucking cold right now, I think I will crank the heat up to 70, when I got home it was 55 or something in the house. brr. I hate to think of winter, I told my mom I was going to move to Florida, I'm tired of cold weather.

I applied for two more jobs, both in Chicago and both pay upwards of $30 - and it's editorial assistants! OKAY! LOL

Can I go home yet?

And why hasn't my old employer called me for an interview?

posted by Jennifer @ 12:00 a.m. on 2002-10-07
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