Artificial Intelligence

>>> Woo ... violin

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I know I SHOULD be saving money.

From living the past two weeks on food in the house and not spending any money because I didn't have any, I got a check for $97 dollars Tue. for mileage from my work.

Then I found out my sister has a friend who's willing to teach her the cello or violin, and I've always wanted to learn the violin, so he said he'd teach me too whenever I return home.

Oh a spending spree on Ebay, I just bought a beginner violin for $100, that comes with a care kit, music stand, video and other stuff.

Brand new.

But wow that's $100 outta my pocket, but I consider that mileage should pay for it, and tomorrow I get paid. My parents gave me $400 to get glasses with and I only used $200 of that, and I want to give the rest back to them, but I know they will say, no keep it.

But then I'm like, why in the HELL did you cash that $300 check to pay off my computer with? I mean hello? You give it right back in my hand.

I didn't need their financial help after all. But hmm. I'm happy to have boughten a violin, I adore them, I love the sounds they make, though I know when I begin to try to play it'll sound like a cat getting hit by a car.

Oh well I need to friggin get back on my weight loss, geez I need to really really get crackin.

Oh well tomorrow I'm going to wash clothes and go grocery shopping. Saturday I have to work because my fucking SNATCH co worker always finds something for me to do the weekends I work or else I wouldn't have to do anything.

Snatch! SHE pisses me off sometimes, I was sarcastic, "thanks, this looks like FUN."

Get to drive 30 mins just to take some fucking snap shots in the RAIN, I hope it POURS because the event will be called off!

OH well I sent in my resume to my old paper, GOD PLEASE LET THEM CALL ME. I think they will get my resume FRIDAY. Hopefully they will call MONDAY for a interview, but I think that is unlikely since the job has been posted only a week or so now, wait, not even a week yet.

My mom doesn't think that many people will apply for it since it's right by Gary, Ind. But the area isn't bad at all, it's richy rich, but if you drive a couple of miles out you're in gary, but even that part of gary isn't too bad, I've driven through there a few times, though with my doors locked and windows rolled up, I wasn't that afraid.

Oh well that would be LOVELY for them to call, very very GREAT. I know the beat they are hiring for is hard since it's for meetings that are late at night with NUTTY folks, but that sounds alright with moi.

All I need is the interview, I can handle the rest, I say what I know and know what they want to hear.

posted by Jennifer @ 12:02 p.m. on 2002-09-19
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