Artificial Intelligence

>>> Pissed off again.

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

What's with all the new and improved Diaryland stuff? I feel behind because I haven't even learned what new stuff there is to know on here, oh well, I'll learn now and then.

Anyway, I was laying down yesterday and realized that I'm never going to get out of here, at least not for a while, I kept thinking, God why won't you help me, but then I thought why must I have to wait? I have 8 mths experience ... and most of the jobs I'm trying for is asking for a year or so, but with my other job experience, I just that much, and even more. It makes me angry. My mom told me last night that she knows I've been 'really sad' I nearly cried, and wanted to say no shit.

I got the paper today and my shit-head boss totally redid my whole story I did on a court case. I mean he totally changed it and most of what he changed is very very very wrong. I never said that he man in court said he was guilty, I'm feeling like if they even attempt to sue me again, it's not my fault this time, he changed my story and on top of that he didn't give me credit in writing it. I feel like I just did nothing for this fucking case, as if I just went to the case and just wrote that he was bound over. He threw out my quotes and important information. It makes me mad that he edited my story so much that it became his story and then trashed my bi-line so no one knows I'm the one who reported it. I didn't even get the photo credit. I'm very upset about this, I thought I did an excellent job on the story and he totally trashed it and started from new on it. His story doesn't make sense even, it has wrong or misinterepated information in it, and I know it will be all MY fault if we should get in trouble. I'm so fucking tired of my boss and this paper, I ALWAYS am blamed and have to take the blame for things that go wrong because I'm "new" or something stupid like that. This is the exact reason why I want to leave. I was flipping out the other day because the people here get so angry about stupid fucking things all the time, even in my office and I just cannot take that kind of stress worrying if someone will flip out on me, I hate, hate, absolutely hate Michigan. I will never live here in my life, this is only a vacation destination and that's it, these people here make me sick as hell. They disgust me and when I leave, I will say fuck you, Manistee, I won't be seeing you later on. GOod riddance you fuckers.

Oh a lighter note, I am at 273.5, which is amazing that I lost weight when I've been eating so badly, but I've been under a lot of stress, which next week is major stress time, I have so much to do and no time ....

I'm still thinking about my article and just realized that since it doens't have bi-line it cannot possibly blame me for any errors since my fucked-faced boss changed it in total. I feel very hurt by this, offended if you may, that he did this without my permission and for me to spend all day working and gathering this information, for him to basically just TRASH IT, is bull shit. I'm pissed off, I want out.

posted by Jennifer @ 1:50 p.m. on 2002-08-17
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