Artificial Intelligence

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Annoyance of the Day:
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Well Happy 4th all, today I was in a parade. It was crazy. I have the day off though, which is GOOD, I'm pooped.

Anyway, I'm tired today, I let my turtle go in a small creek near my house, he's a wild turtle, and I think that is where he should be. Plus he stunk and he kept trying to bite me, um no! So I'm happy, yet kinda sad to see him gone. Oh well, I keep wondering if I"m the type that gives up on difficult things. I don't stick with anything and am easily to just say goodbye so quick.

Anyway, I've applied for another job in Chicago, one that I'm qualified for, I hope I get an interview. Though it's in the Loop, I'd have to take the Meta train, then hop on the EL train, which could be quite costly, and I wonder that if I should get those job, if I shouldn't just drive up. I'm sure parking would be less than the train each day, and probably safer since the EL is quite dangerous, not to mention Metra when you must walk underground with a billion bums.

So anyway, I'm going to go clean up my car and maybe take a nap today.

I wish I'd stop thinking about my turtle, I'm worried and yet relieved. I want him to be happy, but I don't want him to die ... either way, I've lost.

I keep wondering why I don't start my boook, I know I could do so well in that category, so many people read things and say, "damn that's like how you write."

Oh day, I say, I will get going and I'm thinking my one day is becomeing a never-day because I begin and want to get started, then I do and then fuck up ..... I write a page, or 5 and then stop and then re-read and then hate it.

I think I need to begin a notebook for ideas and just not tell anyone what exactly I'm doing....just do it already. I think I'll email my friend and see what he says to do, he's been published.

posted by Jennifer @ 1:50 p.m. on 2002-07-04
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