Artificial Intelligence

>>> Cramps

Annoyance of the Day:
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Ug, I have cramps right now. I also gained a pound too. I think because of my period, water gain, ala' hell. Plus I ate badly today. Just a nutty week.

I had that taco HELL new chicken salad for lunch, little did I know it's beans and rice in the bottom covered with the salad on top, so I ate the lettuce and had four spoon fulls of rice one of beans. THEN went to dinner had diet coke with chicken salad, with cherry raisins with walnuts on top. I had about 4 fork fulls of chicken salad ( I didn't like it to well, it had bleu cheese in it, and I got a huge piece in one bite, I was done after that) anyway I ate all the cherrys and walnuts and the piece of garlic bread that came with it, it was DELICIOUS my parents offered theirs and I said no thanks ..... then wanted fudge, so got a slice at this wonderful place, so I had a piece of it and then froze the rest.

Nasty me. I guess it's not that bad, but it's bad for me, from what I've been eating, plus I had a happy meal the day before yesterday, had 4 fries and 1/2 the bun on the cheese burger with ketchup...lordy.

So next week I'm back on the wagon, well tomorrow, just from now on, now that I am losing I'm hoping that I don't get stupid and unconsciously gain weight cause I'm scared of losing. For some dumbass reason too! Which I know would be involving relationships, I *suck* in that department, and if I lose...then what....more attention and how will I cope if that should happen?

Hell I need to lose weight, I just bought new clothes, some that I need to lose to wear, and are way to cool to not wear and let my pig sister take.

Ooh I have such a headache, lordy lordy be I feel so sick right now. My stomach, oohhhh....

posted by Jennifer @ 9:03 p.m. on 2002-06-28
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