Artificial Intelligence

>>> Illusion

Annoyance of the Day:
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Hello I have a public service announcement.

I'm fat

Thank you.


Anywho, I watched that show last night on weight loss on 48 hours. This woman lost like 100 lbs on diet pills, something like what I was taking, with ependra in it. Then it showed a story on a woman who died because she took it, then a man who has to keep his weight down because he's a model, they had men who are bulimic, they had a woman who had her stomach stapled, it was a really very informated show.

My parents want to get on Atkins diet and I know MANY people who have lost, yet it doesn't sell me since you're cutting out carbo's for the first two weeks, or just having one slice of bread a day....I told them, "why not get on Weight Watchers since you don't have to cut anything out?" No no no....whatever. It's easier than only eating proteins, I am not a eat meater, I don't know how I could go to McDonald's and ONLY eat the meat. That seems so gross, I always eat rices, I mean truely that is my diet anymore.

Or soup w/ rice or pasta. OMG, is this bad eating? Or I have a frozen dinner, or some mac n' cheese my dad made and froze (very high in fat though, used 4 type of cheese I think.)

Are carbo's bad for you? When I eat, I don't really eat that much, but what I always want is my can of pop. I think I could come home and just have a can of pop and a tiny bowl of rice and be satisfied.

Is this unhealthy?

Hm. Oh well, okay I'm going to begin exercising and taking that pills that lower cholestrial and helps clear skin. I am happy to take these, they won't kill me, I hope...hahaha .. um yeah, anyway.

OKay so, what do I do, begin my pills and then begin walking. My parents say I've lost and they say I continue to lose and I say "no I haven't" then I realize in the mirror I have a bit of weight...I want to weigh myself but I know nothing has changed. I did notice my face has lost weight. Very strange, to have a jaw line, and my ugly abs gone in, my legs a bit, my back too...a bit of everything, but I say my parents haven't seen me but once a week or every two weeks, so it might be an optical illusion.

However, I did buy clothes from old navy today on the internet, just two tshirts and a bag. The total was $25 which is so much less than fat lane bryant clothes which if I bought two tshirts there, I would be paying $50, I kid you not. Some reason old GRAVY tshirts fit me, the XXL does. That's like a 1x. Hm, why is this. I need to get to a size 20. Hmm...oh well, I also got ao pair of pants from Spiegel's, which is always to expensive, but I liked how they looked in the catelogue.

Hm, I also bought bras, undies and socks today. Geez clothes day. I usually get a 10 in undies, which are a bit big, so I got a 9, and cool colors, unlike the pig plus size that are just plain white, boring. So I got two bras, usually I get a to big 40c, when I'm a B, so I got a 38 since they had B's. I hate my boobs. I think if I lost weight maybe I would be a C...or maybe I am a C, or between I think I should get inserts for my fellas, those fakies look kinda cool, though my luck I'd be with some guy and oops there goes my fakie tumbling on the floor.

Okay let's work in weight first, I would say if I lost major weight, I would have a neat-o straight body. It's funny I'm smaller boned and when I was born I weighed less than my sister. Then we grew up and now I weigh more, but don't have her big boobies (she IS a c) but she's taller. I really want to lose weight so she can get off her high horse when she says, "I THINK these old pants of mine MIGHT fit you ..." oh thanks fuck you.

But the ones she gave me do fit now. Heh heh, in total, I do want to lose weight in my thighs and butt, so I will begin walking like a nut and try to jog, try try to jog, like use the runner's beginning thing I found in runner's world magazine web site. I mean I know that would be neat to begin. I need a hobby, running would be very coolllll or walking or something to do when I'm bored. I wish I could find some trails to walk on around here...hmm.....

posted by Jennifer @ 9:46 p.m. on 2002-05-25
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