Artificial Intelligence

>>> Working

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Boy o boy, I fucking hate my job.

Anyway, I got an email from Purdue and they said they'd keep my resume for 6 months and if I want to try for another job, just call or email them and I won't have to resend my resume. They begin reviewing resumes for this job FRIDAY! Eep, the day I won't hear from them, but they will, if they do call, will be Monday.

Eep. Oh well, hopeful, yet I know I won't even get an interview, my ma said I will, then said, "Jen when will you be able to interview?"

Oh well, I will make it. I will have to say, it can only be a Saturday.

But it's hard to have hope when I have THAT feeling that I know in my heart I don't have enough experience.

Um ah, I should begin exercising soon, I feel fat, I just wanted to wait till I get over my cold.

Anyway, today I watered the flowers I planted, some fucking squirrel or animal keeps digging them up! Ass holes! Damn damn! the two that were dug up are nearly dead, I replanted and then watered, they are wilted and then I begin to see that sometimes I feel like them in my career, always uprooted, then replanted and begin to wilt, around the healthy ones, I guess either way, planted or kept out, I will wilt ... well here at least.

So uncontent.

Ug, my feet hurt today, I don't know why, not like I walked or anything.

Everyone was so cranky and mean. I can't believe the things people say, it's like, even as a joke that's not funny. Like the girl who taught me/goes over my pagination, she's like "Let me see your pages so I can see all the mistakes you always make," then she smirks, "I'm just kidding."

Or my boss, after joking with me, he jokes, "Did you even do your hair today?" I said "NO" mean/sarcastic, bitchy and he's like "oh ha ha neither do I or ..." some other co-worker.

That is their joke style here, I hate it, that's not jokes to laugh it's jokes to hurt.

I hate this place in my life, everyone says when I look back I'll miss it. No, when I look back I'll be relieved that it's over.

I'm just worried how I will react when I learn that I didnt' get an interview and/or the job. I mean that's like instant shit feeling, hopelessness, I don't mean to pine myself on a job that isn't even really .... not like a reporting job...but...still it's home! Still it's a pay raise, and to begin classes. .... Monday to Friday 8 to 5, that leaves time for class at night.

Oh well, let me just get through this week and I'll be okay. Mom and dad come up Thursday.

I'm so confused.

posted by Jennifer @ 8:35 p.m. on 2002-05-21
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