Artificial Intelligence

>>> Something called life, or like it.

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I was so busy today, I think I ran the whole day. I just have to much to do, tomorrow will be NUTS too. I mean NUTS.

I went to the 911 meeting this morning, and was there from 9:30 till 11:30, the courthouse is so pretty, where I am in Michigan is a Victorian port city, so everything is victorian, it's so beautiful and they don't even keep it up as they should. The museum is FULL with antiques, so beautiful and they are treated like shit, they don't keep any photos in anything nice, just thrown here and there, the news papers are in crumbled heaps in the basement, they have a million beautiful old clocks that must take them a whole day to wind, it's a strange place.

The floors in there haven't changed since it was built in 1880, the wood on the floor is wavy with decay, yet give is a neat look, the titled floors are still nice, yet crumbling. It used to be an old store, and it appears not much has changed.

They amaze me that they still use the books from the 1800's for people to go through just flip through, it's fucked up.

Oh well my Ma called up sick with the stomach flu, she barfed her brains out, God I hate the stomach flu I hope I don't get it when she comes up Friday. I get it so badly, like all night. If I get it, I'm not going to work that day, I mean my abs hurt last time since I kept heaving, like choking all night, even when I had nothing to throw up.

Oh well, oh well, I have another bad headache, but I feel giddy today. I was watching TV and screamed out laughing, there is nothing sadder than laughing alone.

Oh well, I got my new diet pills in the mail, I didn't notice the one has that shit herb in it, well it's not that herb but a lesser form of it, so I'm weary of taking it. It's supposed to be such a weak version that doens't give you jitters, hm. We'll see. I did like those pills I took with it, I did lose, and I was so energetic, but I couldn't handle my chest hurting.

OMG I totally combed out my hair in the tub today, I swear I could've made a wig with it. I think because I can't brush my hair everyday (or else I'll have a afro) my hair gets tangled and then when your hair falls out (you lose like 100 hairs a day or something) anyway my theory is that those hairs get entangled and then when I brush it out they fall out.

OH WELL I KEEP thinking about when I worked at Disney. I kind of want to work there again, it sucked being there, but working with people, so excited about being there, was so fun. I loved working with the public, when I would be like "I'll take care of it, you have a nice day," or when I explain where things are and what things mean, It was nice.

Oh well, maybe when I retire I'll move there and work my years out.

Maybe not.

Okay no more candles, I think that's what giving me a headache.


Note to self don't freeze soup with rice in it, it's gross.

Ooh and today I fed the birds AGAIN, I keep putting seed out by the tree in the front for the morning dove family (4 of them) and today I came home and NOTHING was left! PIG birds. So I went to the garage, scary garage, and something knocked over the bucket with the seed in it, ew. I carefully put my hand in the bird seed bag and brought more seed out, ew, I hate mice and whatever knocked it over...*shutter*

Okay I better get going, I want to play my video game like a loser.

Pooks called me today, he's so stupid, he made me want to laugh, I talked to him like 15 mins while everyone looked at me pissed I was on the phoen that long, they are so uptight here, fuck off people at my old paper talked at least an hour w/o anyone caring.

We talked about me sending in two new resumes, and he was like fuck that's good, I think he misses me in an odd way. He told me about school and cheating during his spanish test, which I wanted to laugh at how bold he can be sometimes, he had a small cheat sheet in his sock, to which he kept under his arm during the test, then when he saw his teacher watching, he slipped it back into his sock.

Ha ha. Not like we all havne't done that, but I haven't done that with a cheat sheet, that's bold, I usually would write on my desk, or a book or something, like on my spanish test, we coudl use spanish dictionary, so I wrote in the pages. eheehehee

We're going to hell we always say, "when you go to hell, save a seat for me," we're both screwed up, we're so much alike in some ways, it's strange. Yet we're so different, it's like what the hell, why are we friends.

We say becuase we're Gemini's, that's two people, we've named our other gemini halfs and even have fake names we call each other,

I'm Shawna Jo JO Kockigori

he's Christopher Lance Delmont (I say Love , but he likes Lance)

We're fucked up, but hell it's a fun fucked up - ness. We'll talk about dumb things and thinks that don't make sense, or the future, how we'll treat our kids, their names, how we'll decorate.

It's fun, yet strange, I don't like talking about the future, because I feel this is the future I'm living, not the "when I grow up" I feel I am growed up, how can I say I'll have kids and get married, now is the time for that.

I guess that does bother me so much to be so alone except for family.

Oh well, not like I could handle a relationship right now, not with wanting to leave so badly.

We'll see, let me be for now, just for a bit, then...let's hit the pavement hard for something called life.

posted by Jennifer @ 7:46 p.m. on 2002-05-08
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