Artificial Intelligence

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Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Good gravy, we're getting another storm tonight, last night it was a nasty storm, as we don't have anything to block storms here in HELL.

Sooooo it rained all day today and was a bit humid. But I am very cold today, I keep cranking up the heat and just can't get warm.

I am tired today, the gray day, ug, I didn't sleep last night because I thought someone was breaking in, the door kept raddling, the wind or something, but it kept waking me up. So ug, I had to get up early anyhow.

My boss was only at work for a bit today, his Mom went to the hospital or something, not to sound bitchy, but I like it when he's not there, I was happy to see him gone.

He's such an asshole he makes me feel like I'm not doing enough or my job, and when I leave he gives me this look like I just worked an hour.

So, I heard he won't be there Friday.

Hooray, he will just love when I say I have to go home next Friday for Dad's retirement party.

I mailed out two resumes today, one is for this publishing company in Hammond! I was happy to see that, HOME! But it's for a financial writer, and that I am not, but I could learn!

I sent my resume anyway, fuck it, why not? Then I sent one to the Portage Times, it looked real nice, though I saw mistakes in my letter and it was the letter I used to send out before! DOH!!!!

I'm a dumbass.

I didn't exercise when I got home, just to tired. I had soup for lunch and got home so hungry, I ate my subway, then later on had TWO bowls of cereal and half a PB&J and CHIPS!


I pigged out. Oh well I should work out tomorrow, hoping I sleep well.

My parents are coming up Friday, then leaving Sunday, then I'm going home that next Thursday and coming back Sunday with my Ma, who'll stay with me that week when my Dad will come up for Memorial Day, then I'm alone a week, then my parents come up for the summer!

So that's two more weeks of single living.

FUCKING SHIT >:( I am SO GOD DAMN tired of this guy outside who goes by with his bass up SO FUCKING LOUD. I mean there are two guys in town with bass and they go by and my house SHAKES. I am not kidding, that is how loud it is. The windows RATTLE. I'm not joking, and I am fucking PISSED because it's ANNOYING AS HELL. >:( I'm ready to call the cops it makes me so mad!!!!!!!

Oh well, I'm fucked up this week. I am wondering if my hopes are false for me sending in those resumes. I see the paper I'm applying for takes FOREVER to even call someone to interview, then I realize I only have 3 months experience, so they might just say, better luck next time. I wish I knew.

posted by Jennifer @ 8:02 p.m. on 2002-05-06
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