Artificial Intelligence

>>> Boss, bitchy old sonofabitch snatch

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

My boss is a complete FUCKING ass hole.

I bust my ASS off today trying to get everything in, I've been calling for this story and he keeps saying everyone got it before us. AS IF IT'S MY FAULT.

So Finally I go to read this huge file and am happy I got to read it after two days of constant calling so I get this FUCKING article for him.

I come back and say, I got the file ... and he's like WELL YOU SHOULD OF GOT IT BEFORE, HOW DO YOU THINK BLAH BLAH GOT IT, THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO WAIT FOR A FILE. I was like well, they probably new about it from articles published BEFORE, I've never HEARD OF THIS MAN.

WHAT AN ASS HOLE! HE IS TOTALLY BLAMING THIS ON ME. SORRY I don't know every god damn case in the county, he was SUPPOSED TO GIVE ME OLD ARTICLES on this case, but never could find them.... FUCK OFF. I was SO FUCKING MAD.

So I didn't talk to him, and then I had to run to a fire, get back load pictures, take a pic of this man, then I'm getting called to do pagination and why haven't I started, this guy doesn't understand I have other things.

SO I was majorly stressed I kept tearing up at work because I'm so tired and stressd and I have to work this whole weekend and have to do those damn pages.

I could just cry my eyes out right now, if only my parents were coming, I would, I'm so so tired and he is such as fucking asshole. He tried to talk to me like nothing happend, but I ignored him all day and didn't even laugh at his jokes. He can suck ass. I am so mad at him especially since tomorrow I am doing FOUR interviews, I MEAN that is A LOT. That's four stories, that have to be done by Sunday, THEN I have to paginate 12 pages, THEN do another 28 page one. How can I do this when I don't have a computer that has the program?

NO ONE CAN COMPREHEND THIS. They think I'm lazy I bet that I don't finish the pages, but NO....

I am so upset. I hate my fucking job I wish I had never come here, they do not respect me at all.

I was so hurt today because my boss is asking everyone to dinner and then he NEVER ASKS ME. THANKS I FEEL SO FUCKING WELCOME HERE.

OMG...I'm so so upset. I'm going to go lay down and cry my eyes out, I feel like shit because I hate the people I work with and I think they feel that way too. I just want to go home and sadley I know I won't be able to for a while.

I just hate not being appreciated or even noticed for how hard I've been working this past week. I really never worked this hard and I don't mind this working, but not being told, "hey Jen I know you're working hard, good job," All I get is YOU DIDN'T DO THIS ARTICLE. Well fuck you, if it was so important maybe you should've told me about it beforehand, they act like I can do police, fire and court all at the same time.

Then today he kept saying this other reporter was just SO good, she's WONDERFUL, he went on and on and I felt like he was only doing this because he had just yelled at me. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. I've NEVER been treated like this in ANY job, I feel like a kid and he's a parent and that is one thing I CAN control, I do not and will not have another parent who is rude and controlling, I will NOT stand for it.

Today at work I pictured myself throwing my notebook at him and screaming FUCK YOU and leaving. Wouldn't that just be wonderful. I can't wait to say, "*** I need to talk to you, I have to give you my two week notice, I found another job." OH THAT WILL BE THE DAY.

I guess this is what my friend back at the old paper was telling me about...the major burn out, I am really feeling crispy at this moment, all I want to do is lay down and cry. I kind of wish my parents weren't coming today because I don't want to explain how SHITTY my life is and don't want them to get to telling me how to fix everything. I just don't want to re-tell this again, it makes me depressed enough to realize that my personal emotional beinging is just fucked right now because I just can't cope with being here and not fitting in. I just feel really depressed right now.

Now I'm all fucked up because I'm crying and wore mascara today.

I wonder how I can think of losing weight anymore, it's the least of my worries. How can I work on my body when I can't even work on my psychic.

posted by Jennifer @ 6:26 p.m. on 2002-04-26
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