Artificial Intelligence

>>> Huff Puff, I'm out of shape

Annoyance of the Day:
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oh geez I had a long day again.

Everyone was mad today, I know now people here are very uptight and so easily fall off the handle.

So, my bosses were nutty, they think I can start doing the pages NEXT week, I wanted to scream, I don't know it all that well! I told them that I wasn't set yet. Then they buttered me up by telling me that I can have Friday off.

Then today I had to show high school students around, who didn't give a shit about what I was saying, so I just kind of panned them off on someone else, so then..boom we're walking up this hill and I'm all out of breath, my face is bright red and I realize how out of shape I've gotten, though it was 80 degrees, I'm in heels long pants and long shelve sweater....but still.

So I haven't kept points, though maybe I'll start cooking more....more rice and better lunches...just have to begin working out more than anything, I'm tired of huffing and puffing just walking up a flight of stairs, I wasn't like that before, so yes, I need to begin seriously walking on the treadmill again, just let me get past this week, then we'll begin.

posted by Jennifer @ 7:25 p.m. on 2002-04-16
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