Artificial Intelligence

>>> Purge

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:


I ate kinda shitty today. Had two pieces of toast for breakfast, lunch was McD's chicken strips with fries and a coke, dinner, a chicken breast and TWO HOT DOGS. I don't know what the hell I was thinking, I think I've drank at least a liter of Pepsi today too.

Mmm, it was such a pretty day today, in the 80's, sunny and windy, beautiful.

At work I had a long day, I am being trained on QuarkXpress so I can do layout, it's hard and then my boss is like bugging me, and then I have to wonder why I have ZERO STORIES THIS WEEK. I am PLUM out of stories, tomorrow I will be trained again and then go on the hunt for stories, I mean I am null and void. I'm wishing for another fire or that sounds bad....

Oh oh oh well, I got an email from that job I want to go for in Portage, and and the guy said I could send in a resume, sooo what to do? I want to learn Quark and don't want to say, yet don't want to work in I'll just see how long that job will be up for grabs.

Oh I'm just feeling, hmm single lately. Could it be spring that I want to begin dating again? I think it's because usually, well at home, I always had a guy that I was "talking" with, here, NO ONE. :( All the men here are fucking married! Kids! Damn!!

I think I'm tired of being single, it's like hell I haven't seriously dated ANYONE since High School! That's really sad. I want to lose weight or begin to before I head out into the pond, yet I just want some man to show me attention...something. If I lost weight, I would be more confident and that's the most attractive thing I can offer, so I better go purge those fucking hot dogs I ate. Come on Jenny you can do it.

posted by Jennifer @ 8:23 p.m. on 2002-04-15
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