Artificial Intelligence

>>> Get your rosiaries off my ovaries.

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

It's Tuesday already! One more day till I leave! I haven't told my boss yet, but my sneaky ways will be easy, I tell my boss I won't be here Friday, which I told him when I first began working here I would miss that day, and that I will work early Thursday get my work done and leave. What he doesn't know is that on Thursday I will go to work at 8:00, go to each police station, which will take me about 1 to 1 1/2 hours. I will skip over to the court house and type in the briefs, which takes me about an hour to two, maybe three, which will put me around 11:30/12, I will run back to the paper, load my court reporter (it's on a processor) then type in my police reports, which will take maybe 30 minutes, and I hope to be done by 12:30, which, is a time where everyone is at lunch, and I'll be the only person in the office so I can sneak out without notice. I just hope it works like that, I don't like explaining where I'm going or having people see me leave when they can say, OH she left at....whatever time.

God I'm sneaky...but you have to be when you want to leave and get home early! I have a feeling this won't go as smoothly as I want, I keep waiting for someone to say, JEN I have a meeting I want you to go to on Thursday night.

Oh well I must tell me today my plans. HM, oh well, today I noticed that I'm drinking milk that went out the 17th. It tastes okay still and I just need it until tomorrow for my cereal, then I'll dump it out. I also found a sour cream that went out a week ago, and I threw that away. I have to burn garbage and toss out the bread. I wish we had garbage pick up here, I don't mind burning in the summer, but this cold winter shit is really hard to run out to the field, burn garbage, watch it a bit so it doesn't catch the wheat field behind my house on fire, then run back inside to defrost.

Okay okay, what time should I go in today? Hell, I should go in at 11 because yesterday I only worked 7 hours, when I meant to work 9 hours. Fuck! I was just eager to get home because I was tired. My ma e-mailed me this hate mail saying I'm a baby and should get used to this job. I didn't even read it all, it was just concentrated pure bitching that I hear on the phone all the time. I want to say, can't you even try to see my side? I can see their side and my own, so I plan to now not tell them my motives when I send out my resumes, or how much I hate it here, I'll keep that in since they can't seem to understand that maybe I'm losing weight, and losing my hair and have a bad attitude because I'm sad.

Yuck, I hate when my hair falls out. It's so gross to run your fingers through your hair and have long strands come out on your hand, it's disheartening, I wonder if this is how people who go through Chemo feels.

OKAY So I have to take my car in when I get back, There is three things WRONG. Fucking car, the stripping on the side is coming off, the keyless remote is acting up, like you need to be right next to the car for it to work, my gas tank/gauge is broken because I fill my car till it's spilling over and it NEVER says FULL, just in the middle of full and the first tick mark AND it's being re-called for lug nuts that "might come off" because they can't take the salt on the roads, OH JOY.

So my car that's not even a year old, needs to be fixed already. This sucks, thank god I have 3 yr warranty because that is BUNK. I can deal with everything except that gas thing, I mean I never know how much gas I have.....

Hee hee oh well, I bought two new stickers for my car, everyone here loves my stickers, though they are a bit bad for this area, mickey flipping the bird and Johnny Knoxville looking like a porn star, I'm getting a madonna sticker and EMILY STRANGE, which I LOVE. She is this retro chick, that is so neat, I just found out about her yesterday it's so neat, I love her bad attitude..... I wanted to get some feminist type ones like "get your rosiaries off my ovaries" but up here, I'd be egged and I'll hold off for NOW. Tee-hee

posted by Jennifer @ 8:40 a.m. on 2002-03-19
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