Artificial Intelligence

>>> The Lady with 50 Cats

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

I couldn't sleep in today, I was so wide awake. I talked to my parents and they agreed to put their tv in my bedroom (dad has to hook up the cable under the floor) so this is a good thing because I'd rather lay in my bed and watch TV then shit on the couch.

Oh well, I'm working out today, walking on the treadmill! Hooray.......I don't feel like it, but I am going to do it anyway. Each morning, I get sick to my stomach, I don't know why, but I guess it's the food I eat, I skip lunch too, which I know isn't good. I have oatmeal for breakfast, a little snack, go to work for 8 hours, come home and then have dinner. Although, yesterday I had crackers at work because I was so hungry. They probably think I'm nuts, Oh well, tomorrow I go to the cancer girl's house and take photos with their shitty digital camera that I don't know how to work the flash on.

Oh well, Pookie called me last night and he just talked and I barely got a word in edge wide, all he talked about was his cousin who's getting a divorce, she's like his best friend ... so he's been there supporting her. He said he could come up next weekend and I'm like..."no" I think I'll be working that weekend, because I want to have the 22, 23, 24 off and I was then thinking, fuck, they'll have to give me two days off if I work the weekend before, so I wonder if I can get thursday off? I dont' know, I'll have to talk to him and if it turns out I have to work, I will be *very* upset. So I'll tell him this when I make my schedule, whenever THAT IS.

Everyone keeps telling me to slow down, but I can't help it, that's how I work. I work fast to get things DONE so I don't have to worry about them. I mean I finish things so early I have hours of nothing to do, which I guess is okay.

Oh well, I still feel too alone and told my parents and sister I will never live alone, nor live here. They all said, "Jen ........" And I was like well you've never done this type of thing before! And they say I'll get used to it and I say, I don't want to get used to it. Then I thought, lord I'll probably be all alone now because I never want to be alone, I'll be that old lady with 50 cats giving kids candy type of person. Ew! Or I'll probably marry anyone that asks just so I won't be alone, or just get pregnate and have a kid. ooh...

Anyway, I still feel depressed, there are nasty circles under my eyes and headaches that are constant. Yuck, upset stomachs and not feeling all that hungry. I wonder if I lost weight.

posted by Jennifer @ 9:15 a.m. on 2002-03-07
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