Artificial Intelligence

>>> Taaa tee Ta

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Is it wrong that I want to scream right now?

I fucking HATE that internet provider in Michigan. Talk about confusing! HELL FUCKING OOO! I need a DIAL UP NUMBER NOT AN E-MAIL ACCOUNT. So it looks like they might have a free access number, but I'm not sure, I'll see tomorrow on their fucking HORRIBLE SHITTY FUCKING WEB PAGE. I *will* call them up tomorrow and ask them and then tell them their web page fucking sucks donkey dink.

Oh well, I have such a head-ache, my parents are being stupid and keep teasing me and haven't even started packing and it's getting dark out and when I say I'm leaving to go out with my friends tonight they will fucking bitch because the packing isn't done. WELL HELLO who is downstairs watching TV? I can't carry a treadmill out.


>:( I'm in a bad fucking mood. Jesus Christ.

I went out and helped in my sister's classroom and wanted to leave and she made me help the little kids, who really stunk. It's strange when I'm helping a kid and they don't know how to read and I don't realize it...I'm just used to adults I guess. I helped this 2nd grader with reading, I knew her before, her mom died a few months ago, so I let her hug me and I helped her read and made her laugh. She was sweet, but she spit on me when she laughed...ewwwwwwww. I made the whole class laugh before I left because I wrote accross the board "No more homework for the rest of the year" and ran out the door. I felt like Jerry Seinfield or something, "thank you folks you've been great..." type of shit.

Oh well, I feel horrid and can't wait to go to Beggar's tonight, I love that place! I'm going to be a piggy, but right now I'm going to go haul some boxes out to my car.

OH My mom wants to do the Atkin's diet, I've read it's a bad diet, since you can't have the carbs...not very balanced and my mom said "Whatever works" and I said, "well diet pills work and stomach stapling works, so I can get those then?"

I'm so political and debatical (is that a word?) I swear I see the politics in everything, like today in my sis's class, they were doing "American Heros" and most were women....I wanted to say, well heros and heroians, is what is should be.... And that subway ad, man I could be an activist and probably do politics well one day when I find a stronger back bone, I'm very very good at debates. Hm, maybe I'm going down the wrong road in life. I don't even get worked up when I argue with people, I'm calm and in my quiet voice I can tell off like I'm Hannibal. Michigan will be afraid of me...tee-hee.....

OKAY TIME TO GO. I'll try to write later on, god knows if I can get back on tonight, and god knows I haven't updated my web sites either...I'm behind already. Fuck.


posted by Jennifer @ 4:08 p.m. on 2002-02-28
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