Artificial Intelligence

>>> EGGS

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Can carmel Cadbury eggs be such a bad thing? I bought two four packs last night. I so adore them, I watched TV while I bit off small pieces and sucked on them in my warm little bed while it snowed and snowed out. Tonight will be the same, it's still snowing here, and will continue to this whole week, we've the worse since we are on the lake -- lake effect snow.

I just love laying in my warm bed and touching the cold window pane with my warm hands. It's strange how the even in the night it looks so clear out, as if it's day, with the fresh snow. Everything is powder sugar covered and the trees look like coral.

My Dad is being a jerk today, he's grumpy and he's making ME grumpy. Lord, if he tells me one more TIME IF MY CLOTHES need to be HUNG UP, I will ScREam. "Jenny, do your clothes need to be hung up? I saw jeans in the dryer." "NO DAD, IT's FINE!!!" *ROAR*

Okay I've gained a BILLION pounds. I ran downstairs and felt my back FAT jiggle like a jar of pennies....ew I can't wait to start working out like a Mad woman... my goal is to lose weight for my Dad's retirement party in I've quite a LONG time to lose. I just want to show my family I lost, we might have a family reunion, so that's another closer goal, I guess.

I just can't wait to start. Damn, I will be very very good since I will be on the heart break diet, ala' Disney diet where I lost quite a bit of weight just being so sad. I don't think it'll be that bad since I know my surrounding and not rooming with stupid biotches, and my parents will be up there a lot, which is another heart break. tee-hee...

Got to go, eggs call, back jiggles and .... my clothes in the dryer await. >:(

posted by Jennifer @ 5:51 p.m. on 2002-02-26
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