Artificial Intelligence

>>> Chicago!

Annoyance of the Day:
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Greetings --

Here is my horoscope for Sunday, February 24

A brittle alliance fractures around a small, persistent blemish.

Find a group that can exchange simple pleasantries without angry

baggage. As a free agent, you're so much more adaptable.

Yes, I finally did it, put all but three of my fitness group on my ignore list. Not like it will matter, but I am tired of petty, angry "baggage" merely because I spoke my mind so long ago, and those old snatches can't deal with people who think outside of the box and the religious shroud. Ooh so sorry I don't go to church, I must be a bad person since I don't believe in it. I say, what says going to church gets you into heaven? You do know that Jeffery Dahmer was a church loving man don't you? So, he must be going to heaven huh. Yeah, fuck off you superficial bitches.

*ahem* that feels nice to get that out of the way and be my happy cynical self.

I'm going to Chicago today, I got up and put on a bit to much make-up and wore my name brand outfit (Tommy shirt, socks, jeans ...) Last time I was there so old man (in his 30's) hit on me. Ew.

I'd love to live in Chicago, talk about a great dating pool. It sucks to live here in Hammond, though close, is to far for people to Chicago to drive, that's 25 to 30 minutes of I 80 traffic, or even Lake Shore traffic. I've almost been in a serious accident on Lake Shore at least three times now. I know I can't drive over there either, I hate heavy traffic like whenever I meet a guy from Chicago, I always tell him I won't drive there (NOR TAKE THE TRAIN that's another story in itself.) So it doesn't matter since I'm moving. I've told my two guys who wanted to have a one last "dinner" together that I didn't want to. The one guy wanted to have "dinner" in a hotel room. Um NO.

The other was good material, but I'm leaving and not getting into that. College boy, mama's boy, hard worker, easy pray for a bitch like me. Tee-hee. Usually guys hit on me because they think I'm really neat (they read my writing) or because I am innocent - or appear so. You know men like to be the fucking macho who are to enlighten us poor sheltered things. Ugh, I am a feminist at heart.

I'll write tonight?

posted by Jennifer @ 8:54 a.m. on 2002-02-24
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