Artificial Intelligence

>>> Queen of the damnest movie that didn't follow the BOOK. HELLOOoooo!

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Today was a rush. I got up had to get gas before work, I was running late. So, I get to the stations and am still running late. It's 12 when I get to work and I need to be home by 12:30 since I was leaving at 1 to go to the movies. So at work the network is down, I wait about 20 minutes, I don't get home until 12:40, I type my briefs at home because the system is still down at work, I have to eat lunch and my friend shows up, I gobble up a rice bowl and then we are out the door at 1:10. We speed to the movies, get there at 1:30, get our seats. He gets a call after the movie (Queen of the Damned) and he needs to get home/family prob. So I speed home again.

*SIGH* I'm home now and that's where I'm staying. lol Thank God I took a pill today, I was zippy!

oh well, I hate books turned movie, they are never correct. I will tell you the Queen of the Damned book is a hella lot better than that movie. The movie DOES NOT follow that book! Lestat is blonde with blue/gray or violet eyes - ala tom cruise. Lestat wasn't made by Marius, but MAGNUS, and remember in the first movie "I wasn't given a choice" that lestat keeps saying, well HELLO this movie fucks that up. Sorry to Aaliya or however you spell that, but her part, Akasha, well she is supposed to be stone white, not black, and she is NOT "she just wants to kill" um NO. In the book she wants to, I think it was, rid the world of men vamps, I THINK. And the girl Jessee is NOT Lestats lover, nor does he make her a vamp. HELLO. And and and the twins kill akasha...oh that movie is so wrong. How can Anne Rice deal with this? I would be so mad, I try to image if someone made a movie of one of my stories and totally changed the storyline, how I'd feel. I'd be pissed off! I hope she makes her own vamp movies now that she has gained control of the rights. I mean those are pretty good books, like her Mummy book, lord it was excellent. Um oh well,

I've a headache from playing my video game (I'm a loser) lol ... I get motion sick so easy and that game gets me the worst.

Oh well I'll write later tomorrow, I'm going back to greencastle...*shrug*

posted by Jennifer @ 7:05 p.m. on 2002-02-22
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