Artificial Intelligence

>>> Mirror Mirror on the wall

Annoyance of the Day:
Listening to:

Man, some people are just so nice. It makes me feel like an evil person. The paper I work for -- well I did an internship before working there, and was at a different office. The man who supervised me was so nice. He found out that I had gotten my newspaper job (they called him for references -- and he gave an excellent one for me) so he e-mailed me when they called and since then has been helping me figure out my goals in my career.

He is so fucking nice, he told me how he worked his way up, what he'd do if he were me ... and that I can come to him anytime I need to talk or advice.

So today I should call for the DSL pricing...but I just know that it won't matter since I will have to be there for them to install it. I think I will call next week or maybe ... this week and tell them to install next Friday when we get there. I am not even sure what place to go with, one is $20 just for DIAL UP a month, one is $50 a month for I think maybe i'll do the $50 a month, plus you can request service through the internet...hmmm I just talked to them and you don't need to buy AOL w/ the DSL, just have to use Internet Explorer or Netscape....I'll have to download Netscape, I hate Internet Explorer. hm, I think I'll request service. I can't believe I'm leaving in like a week.

Everyone says the small paper gigs are so much fun, so I am sort of curious.

Oh well, that mirror I got from my grandma's house, is STRANGE. I'm thinking of writing a short story on it. The glass is wavy and it's that painted on...Nickel? or whatever ... so it's even stranger to look into, things look surreal, distorted and the colors of the reflection look brighter than they really are... I get scared when I look into it since it's large, and my reflection is really fucked up. I won't scares the shit out of me for some reason, it's like an evil mirror, I shouldn't have shined it up and cleaned off the glass. LOL....omg I'm a freak.


posted by Jennifer @ 2:14 p.m. on 2002-02-20
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